While we have decided, mostly, that we will not be sending Squeaker to preschool and because of her birthday being just after the cut-off date to join with peers of her age; I am planning out tot school/preschool at home. Once she is eligible to attend public school, we’ll send her off for PreK. I had initially thought about homeschooling her through middle school or until she was ready to quit. But, I had second thoughts about that and I’ll get into the why eventually. In the meantime, we’ll do preschool at home. Mostly play based learning with some more formal activities here and there. We have yet to do a fully structured week of activities but we’ve done a few things that she’s enjoyed. And for those I’ve also created free preschool printables.

Planning to do preschool at home or looking for resources for your home daycare? Check out these free printable packs for tot school and preschool.

Free Preschool Worksheets

Eventually, I’ll have pages set up with links for units (Nursery Rhymes, Animals, World Cultures, Space, Insects, Eric Carle, Sandra Boynton, etc) and the links to the free packs will always be here. It’s really going to depend on what we do in our own home preschool program. I go by what she’s interested in and we go from there.

Is it structured? Not right now. Because it doesn’t work for her. As she gets closer to entering public school (Pre-K or Kindergarten), we’ll start adding more structure to the day. I just want to make sure that she’s prepared for that sort of thing but until then; we do a lot of play based learning and unplanned activities. I like the flexibility and so does she, so I don’t see the need to change that up anytime soon.

Seasonal and Holiday Packs

Prewriting Printable Sheets

Themed Packs

Other Printable Packs

And if you’re looking for more printable packs, please consider:

Bible and Christian themed packs for Toddlers and Preschoolers.

I am in the midst of developing a Sunday School/VBS at home program. The program will be geared towards younger children who may not yet be eligible to attend Sunday School. So, thinking toddler/preschool age.

The program can also be adapted or used with children who have special needs such as autism.

Bible printables for toddlers and preschoolers pin

If you are looking for more printable packs to provide structure and routine to your child’s day, I have a few in my free printables for autistic children and their caregivers. In fact, many of the printable packs in this area are designed to facilitate structure and routine.

A new printable schedule will be coming out soon- both for autistic children and for toddlers.

Other packs include: social skills, sign language cards, and calming strategies.

In need of some visual aids for your autistic child? Check out this list of free printables for autistic children.

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Other options to consider when it comes to supplementing your home preschool program include:

Or looking into a curriculum.

Options that we’re considering to add a little more structure include: Sonlight, Timberdoodle, and All About Reading:

All About Reading Pre-reading

We had tried this out with Sweet B so I think it may be worth looking into for Squeaker, as well.

Are you planning to do tot school or preschool at home? Maybe you're looking for some resources for your home daycare? Be sure to check out my free preschool printable packs.