Save on Back to School Clothes

Save on Back to School Clothes

It really is that time of the year! Some schools will be back in session next month or if your child attends school year round, they just might be on break or getting ready to start again soon. And unless your child’s school requires uniforms, one of your expenses with back to school shopping is likely going to be clothing. Today, we’re sharing tips on ways to save on back to school clothes so you can still stay within your back to school shopping budget. One quick, easy tip is to take advantage of sales and sales racks. Sure, it might be from last season but if it’s essentials like pants it just might be worth digging through those racks of clothes. Often, stores will…

Four Seasons Printable Pack

Are you looking to help your child learn about the four seasons? Or maybe you’d like to talk about Vivaldi’s Four Seasons! Either way, or for whatever other use that you may have, for this week’s Freebie Friday, I’m sharing a four seasons printable pack. This is also my very first pack with both English and Spanish. I hope to have more packs like this in the future as learning Spanish is on my list of goals for our homeschooling. And, I honestly believe that you can’t start too early when it comes to learning a foreign language. It will definitely be an adventure though because I don’t know Spanish so I’ll be learning it right along with Squeaker. I am incredibly proud of this…

20 More Toddler Hairstyles

Even though Squeaker’s hair is just long enough for pigtails, we have experimented with tiered ponytails and she seems to be okay with that. Granted, I can only get two tiers before her hair starts to look a little funny on the bottom and I don’t think she likes it very much either. Most of the time, though, she’s just happy to have her “pretty” and be done for the day. Still, I want to make sure that we have plenty of ideas to fall back on, so in addition to the original toddler hairstyles for girls here are are 20 more toddler hairstyles for girls. I think one of the most important things about doing her hair, even if it is simple pigtails, is…

Get on the Fast Track Out of Debt

When it comes to the process of wiping out debt, one of the first things that we try to figure out is how quickly we can start getting out of debt. Often we may turn to whatever method seems the best, like getting a get out of debt loan. But, what we don’t realize is that we can get out of debt ourselves and that it really is easier than we think. Today, I want to share how to get on the fast track out of debt so you can begin your journey to being debt free. Regardless of how you find yourself in debt, remind yourself of this: you can get out of it. Yes, it will take time and effort on your part….

Watercolor Painting for Toddlers

As we do our informal tot school over the summer, I’ve been looking for different ways to get Squeaker engaged. It’s not something that I want to force with her because I want her to enjoy the summer. We’ve been spending a bit of time outside, but only when it’s not too humid or hot. Most of the time she’s content to just play in her little wading pool or we’ll head up to the park to go play in the splash pool. Yesterday though, we tried out something different. The end result? Easy watercolor painting for toddlers. She had fun with it and afterwards, we played with the hose. While you could most certainly does this indoors as well, we chose to go outside…

Tips on Motherhood for Taking Time Out

How often do you find yourself putting the needs of others first? As moms, this is something that we do quite frequently. Whether you’re a working mom, stay at home mom, work from home mom, single mom, etc. then chances are likely that you take a back seat to everyone else. And while there’s nothing wrong with this, we also need to take time for ourselves. Even if it’s just ten minutes a day. Today, I’m sharing tips on motherhood for taking time out so we can get a much needed break. As a stay at home mom, and aspiring work at home mom, I tend to neglect taking time for myself. Even through Squeaker’s naptime, I still work on something. Whether it’s blog related,…