Discovering Together: Carving Out A Magical World Right In Our Backyards

Discovering Together: Carving Out A Magical World Right In Our Backyards

Do you remember the first time your child looked at the world with wide-eyed wonder? Those tiny fingers reaching out to touch a dandelion, or the giggles at the sight of a butterfly? Our children’s endless curiosity is a beautiful reminder to find joy in the little things. And as the air gets warmer and the outdoors invite them outside, isn’t it our heart’s wish to give them a safe haven, right in our backyards, to continue these little discoveries? Revamping your outside area can be a mission; there are many things to consider, so today, we’ve highlighted a couple of things for you to think about to create that ideal outside environment for your little ones to thrive.    Via Pexels Hearing Their Heartbeats…

How To Choose the Right Decor Pieces To Enhance Your Home’s Style

Decorating a home is more than just filling it with furniture. It’s about creating a space that reflects your personality, style, and taste. And when it comes to enhancing your home’s style, choosing the right accents is essential. Wondering why?    Accents can add depth, texture, color, and character to any room. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right ones.    Don’t worry; in this article, we will help you choose the right pieces that will complement your home’s style. From statement pieces to subtle accents, we have got you covered. So, whether starting from scratch or refreshing your current décor, read on to discover the tips and tricks.  Consider Your Overall Style Before you start selecting…

Helping a Child with Autism Deal with Death

  Pexels – CCO Licence   Death is a natural part of life, so as much as we might want to shield our children from its harsh realities, we simply cannot. That means that we, as parents, need to do what we can to prepare our children and get them through the difficult period that is bereavement.   This is a difficult process to go through with any child, but when your child has autism, it can be even more difficult, especially if they have trouble dealing with change. That’s why I’ve put together some tips to help you help your child through what is sure to be a difficult time…    Talk about death before it happens   You might find it difficult to…

Limiting Natural Light WIthout Making It Obvious

One of the most recognizable aspects of modern homes and living spaces is the unabated access to natural light. Thanks to the wave of open floor plan designs, more and more homes are allowing natural light to flood their interiors. For some people, that’s a great shift in interior design and how we live in today’s world. For others, it’s a little too overdone. Natural light is great but it’s much more difficult to control than room lighting. Usually, if you try to control it coming into your home, it will take a physical item to do so. Blinds will need to be installed, a pull down shade and or thicker curtains. All of these things contribute to blocking or limiting natural light from entering…

Pets Mini Tot School Unit

Pets Mini Tot School Unit

  This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Mott’s®. The opinions and text are all mine. #SecretLifeOfMotts As we continue our incredibly lazy and informal tot school over the summer, I go with Squeaker’s lead. Some days she’s definitely more interested in sitting down at the table with me to do something and other days, she’d rather just play. And though we do try to limit screen time, sometimes things on TV will catch her attention. I use those moments to plan for a mini tot school unit that we can spread out over a few days or just do a few activities in the morning. “The Secret Life of Pets © 2016 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.” Of course, Abby…