How to Help Your Child Make Friends

How to Help Your Child Make Friends

As parents we often find ourselves standing on the line between wanting to do everything for our child or letting them do everything on their own. Most of the time we can reach a happy medium that works for both us and our child. One of those things, an important step in life really ,is how to make friends. For some children this may come easy and for others, it can be quite challenging. Today, I want to talk about how to help your child make friends both in school and in any situation. Obviously, we can’t (and shouldn’t) make friends for them, but we can definitely help them as parents. A child’s social life is very important and especially as they get older. So…

Toddler Toothbrushing Chart

Welcome back to another Freebie Friday! Taking a short break from the Bible based printable packs so I can further organize my ideas and look for the best clipart. I really want to do a pack based on the Tower of Babel so, that one will be coming up soon! In the meantime, I want to share a toddler toothbrushing chart that I recently created for Squeaker. We’re going to be setting up her first visit to the dentist soon and while we’ve done pretty well with tooth tissues, I want her to get in the habit of brushing her teeth. And since she’s loves everything “Owaf” that’s the theme we went with. We have a step stool next to the sink so she can…

Summertime Playground Safety

We love going to the playground during the summer. There are two playgrounds within ten minutes (or less) walking distance from our house and one of the nicer parks in Albany is roughly half an hour walk (depending on how fast we walk). I enjoy taking both girls to the park, and sometimes Squeaker and I will go on our own while Sweet B is at camp.  We also enjoy meeting up at the playground and park for playdates. Today, I want to share my tips on motherhood for summertime playground safety though most of these tips can be used at any time of the year that you visit the playground. And while most tips are pretty common sense, I still think it’s important to…

5 Ways to Teach Kids About Money

Welcome back to part 4 of how to raise a money savvy kid! In part 3, we talked about real life opportunities to teach kids about money. This week, we’re going to cover 5 ways to teach kids about money and believe me, this needs to be fun. I remember when my mom tried to instill this valuable lesson on me. I had a special bank where I put my allowance and eventually, I had my own savings account. Had I been smarter I would have kept adding to that savings account, but alas, I did not. And have I ever mentioned that my mom used to work at a bank? Or that she has taught business law? Yup. I really should have paid more…

Tips on Motherhood for Getting Pregnant

While Kyle and I have decided that we are done having children (with our blended family we do have 5 and that’s enough for us), the time may come where we change our minds. That doesn’t upset us in any sense because we had to keep in mind that my pregnancy with Squeaker was a bit difficult. I was on bedrest for the last trimester so, with Squeaker being as active as she is, another pregnancy just might not be in the cards for us. Still, I wanted to share my tips on motherhood for getting pregnant. #1 – Make Sure Your Timing Is Perfect Timing really is vitally important when it comes to trying to have a baby. It takes the right time within…

How To Start Getting Out of Debt Now

When we find ourselves in debt, sometimes we start thinking about how to get out of it. And one of the things that we wonder is how quickly we can wipe out of debt. Because surely, since we got ourselves into this so quick we can get out of debt just as quick, right? That’s when people might start contemplating a get out of debt loan. Or, if you want to get out of debt yourself, you can begin by creating a get out of debt budget. Today, let’s talk about getting out of debt now so we can set the stage for future financial success. One of the first steps to take, after we get our budget plan together, is to implement that budget…