Helping Kids Identify Moods

One of the things that Sweet B has consistently struggled with are abstract concepts such as moods. She’s done somewhat okay with concrete concepts such as colors, numbers, foods, or anything else that has some sort of association with the senses. If she can feel it, see it, taste, smell it, or touch it- she’s more likely to remember what it is and have an easier time with learning it. Of course it still takes repetition, but that’s just how she learns. With abstract concepts, on the other hand, it’s definitely been more of a struggle. But, I’ve also learned (through trial and error, and a lot of assistance from her team of teachers and therapists) that visual representations do a world of good. By…

How to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

In a society where everyone seems to be concerned with what their next door neighbor has or what their coworker has accomplished, there seems to be less of a focus on what you already have. In fact, I would ask you to ask yourself: how many times a day are you thankful for what you do have vs. wanting what you don’t have? Of course there’s nothing wrong with wanting stuff- we’re human beings and we all go through it. However, I think it would do us all good to also remind ourselves to be grateful for what we already have. And we can do this by developing an attitude of gratitude. This post contains affiliate links I realize this sounds simple enough, being grateful…

Overcoming a Fear of Failure

In life in general, and as a blogger, there are many things that I’ve had to overcome. One of those things is a fear of failure. Whether it’s just a small nagging doubt in the back of my mind, or something bigger- failure is just one of those things that you need to face. Even in those moments were it seems that failure is inevitable, facing that fear is a huge step. And sometimes, failure is okay. It just means that you have to change your strategy. Failure is a part of life, but it’s how you handle it that ultimately matters. [Tweet “Help overcome your fear fo failure with this free printable motivational quote!”] How do you overcome a fear of failure? Having a…

M is for Monkey Tot School Unit

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FuelTheirAdventures #CollectiveBias Though our Tot school is still very much informal at this point, sometimes we do more in depth themes. And by in depth, I mean somewhat in depth as Squeaker’s attention span is still quite short. Still, I try to capitalize on her interests at the time and the most recent theme that we tried out was based on monkeys. To make it more of a theme, we decided on M is for Monkey as our tot school theme. We may revisit this in the future. For Squeaker, I wanted to keep this simple, yet fun. So I started looking through the books that we have…

Free The Walking Dead Printables

With The Walking Dead returning in October and the prequel series, Fear The Walking Dead underway, I wanted to share some quick The Walking Dead printables that I whipped up. And if you’re more of a fan of the dead ones, I’ll have those available next week. The Walking Dead has become one of my favorite tv shows and I can’t wait to see what happens in season six! I am enjoying Fear The Walking Dead, so far… though the two main teenage characters are getting on my nerves. I suppose that’s a good thing though and speaks well of their acting ability? Whatever the case may be, these printables are related to The Walking Dead series. . For this printable set, there are two…

A Much Needed Dose of Serenity

Happy Friday, my friends! This week’s freebie Friday offering comes along with a personal story. While it’s not absolutely necessary for the freebie, I think it would help explain why I chose this particular quote for this week’s freebie. As you may or may not know, I’m going through a divorce. While my ex husband and I have been legally separated for two years, we still need to finalize the divorce. It’s really just a matter of formality and legal fees at this point. And in the meanwhile, we’re co-parenting Sweet B. She’s with me during the week and with him during the weekend, and for the most part, it’s been peaceful. Until this past Monday. Let me set the scene: I was upstairs, in…