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“I created this post as part of a campaign by Teva Pharmaceuticals. I received an American Express gift card for participating.”

Migraines suck. There’s really no way around it. And if you suffer from migraine headaches, then you know what I’m talking about- right? They’re disabling, disrupting, and so much more than just a headache. Often, the moment you see those auras (or whatever else your warning sign might be), you know. You’re down and out for the day. Whatever plans you may have had, will be put on hold. Or you could try to power through it, when we all know that it isn’t likely to happen. Sure, we’ll put on a brave face and make do because it’s what we do. But are there ways to find relief for migraine headaches?

Migraine headaches suck. Here are a few ways to find relief for migraine headaches.

People suffer from headaches every day. Some are more severe than others. Some have secondary accompanying symptoms, and some can even be indicators for more severe underlying conditions. As well as that, some headaches are more than just headaches. A migraine headache is an example of one kind of headache that is more than “just a headache”.

What Is a Migraine Headache?

A migraine headache is more of a condition than just a headache. Migraine headaches are typically very severe and have accompanying symptoms. In some cases, migraines are even considered to be neurological conditions. This is because migraine sufferers often have recurrent attacks and experience neurological symptoms alongside blinding pain.

Is a Migraine Considered a Primary or Secondary Headache?

Typically, migraine headaches are considered to be primary headaches. This is because there is no underlying condition that is causing the headaches themselves. Often times, however, patients who experience sudden, severe, or recurrent migraines are examined for other possible conditions.

When a migraine is just a migraine, it is primary. However, migraine-type pain is often associated with other more severe conditions; therefore it’s always important to seek professional help before diagnosing yourself with migraine headaches.

Do Migraine Headaches Always Last a Long Time?

Migraine headaches can vary in how long they stick around. Some migraines last for a few hours, other more severe cases can last for several days. In some cases, the migraine sufferer will experience neurological symptoms before, during, and after occurrences. For example, a sufferer might experience darkened or “tunnel” vision before the onset of pain, or strange floating lights and auras. They might also experience these types of symptoms between bouts of pain.

What Are the Symptoms of a Migraine Headache?

Migraine headaches are mostly known for causing severe, sometimes excruciating pain. Quite often, the headaches are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound, and extreme sensitivity to light.

What Are the Causes of Migraine Headaches?

Although the overall exact cause of migraine headaches is not known, most studies link these headaches with genetic as well as environmental factors. Migraines tend to run in families and seem to be hereditary. Many migraine sufferers have environmental triggers as well. For example, very strong smells, certain foods, heat, or bright lights can be triggers for migraine headaches in some people.

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Are Migraine Headaches Dangerous?

Overall, correctly diagnosed migraine headaches are not dangerous or life threatening. Migraines themselves are primary headaches, meaning that they are not the symptom of an underlying condition. The excruciating pain, however, especially for people that experience recurrent migraine headaches, can certainly feel like it is ruining your life.

Migraine Prevention

Many people look to prevention as the best treatment of migraine headaches. Some choose to take medications that inhibit certain nerve activity in the brain, others choose more homeopathic remedies, and still others choose to live life avoiding many possible environmental triggers.

Migraine headaches are certainly one of the most severe types of headaches, despite not being dangerous. Anyone who suffers from what they believe to be migraine headaches should follow up with a physician for an official diagnosis, future treatment and prevention, and to check for any underlying causes.

In my personal experiences, migraine headaches are one of the worst things that I suffer from. It starts with the auras, then the pain behind one of my eyes. If it doesn’t progress further, I might be able to take something to ward it off but if I don’t, well… it just keeps going. From there, I get nausea and by that point I know it’s too late.  I’ll be spending the rest of my day curled up in bed, under the covers with all of the lights off. Preferably with a cold compress on my forehead and the back of my neck.

For me, I’d rather deal with the flu or strep throat than deal with a migraine. At least for a flu or strep throat, I can take something and at least function. With a migraine, if I don’t do something right away; I’m done for the day.

Luckily, I’ve been able to identify what triggers most of my migraines and that has been key in finding relief from migraine headaches.

Information sourced from Medline Plus

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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