How To Wipe Out Credit Card Debt

Ah, the convenience of credit cards. Chances are that many of us have had a credit card or two at one point in our lives. I personally have had three and I will admit- while they were nice to have at the time, I regret ever opening them in the first place. Even with my small line of credit, usually the minimum, I still ran into problems. Which is why I want to talk about how to wipe out credit card debt. It took me a bit to get my credit card debt under control, but I’m thankful that it’s one thing that I’m not having to deal with too much. But if you do run into this problem, don’t forget to check out my…

Indoor Hopscotch Fueled by #MilkLife

Yesterday was International Children’s Day and I wanted to get outside with Squeaker to teach her how to play hopscotch… Or, at the very least, show her what it was like and give our neighborhood an invitation to play. But, the weather didn’t cooperate at all, so we held off. Today, unfortunately, wasn’t much better but I still wanted to play hopscotch with her which also happened to be Challenge #22 from Milk Life. So instead, we took the game indoors and had a lot of fun in the process! First things first, we had to create our numbers. And while we would normally use sidewalk chalk for this process, instead I used pieces of card stock and crayons. While I made the number cards,…

Tex Mex Twist on a Basic Meatball Recipe

Let me start by saying: I love meatloaf and I love meatballs. So trying to find recipes for them has become quite the past time of mine. We’ve started making more meatballs than meatloaf and I was looking for a twist on the basic meatball recipe.  Not that I don’t enjoy a good, basic meatball or easy meatball recipes, but I wanted to spice things up a bit. Or at least change it up it a bit while still maintaining the classic meatball ingredients that we’ve come to enjoy. I almost thought we were done with meatballs since the weather was finally starting to warm up and I didn’t want to use the oven so much. But the recent string of cooler weather has given…

7 Types of Apps for Families to Help Simplify Life

We talked about must have apps for busy families, so let’s talk about types of apps for families and how you can use them in your life. Ranging from apps for time management to meal planning, there are numerous apps that were designed with busy families in mind. The problem in this tech driven world is figuring out which apps to use and sometimes, what to use them for. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of applications that you and your family can use to manage your home. The task is to find the right ones for you. They need to be applications that serve your needs and are easy to find. Let’s take a look at some tips to find the right applications for…

My Monthly Goals for June

We’ll resume our social media mini-series next week, today I wanted to share with you my monthly goals for June (as I’m still too much of a chicken to share financial reports) for my blog. And if you are also working on goals for the month, please feel free to share them in the comments! I love to see what fellow bloggers are working towards. Monthly Traffic Goals: * Increase organic traffic by 25% * Increase Pinterest traffic by 30% * Increase Google+ traffic by 30% * Increase Reddit traffic by 30% How To: * Continue to work on keywords and longtail keywords according to Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics * Continue to pin consistently and re-pin others * Continue to post consistently and…

Copycat Liquid Yoga Recipe

We live not too far from an Emack and Bolio and they have become one of my favorite places to go for ice cream. But, whenever we do go there, I don’t end up ordering ice cream. Instead, I get this delicious creation called a Liquid Yoga. It starts with Chai and includes frozen vanilla yogurt, and a banana. But my problem? Twofold. I don’t want to walk there to get it and I don’t want to pay $5.50 to drink it. So, I decided to make my own copycat liquid yoga recipe and see if I could recreate this deliciousness at home. Easy enough, right? This delicious smoothie has now become a go-to for a quick breakfast or afternoon pick me up. This post…