Is There Ever a Perfect Time to Have a Baby?

All three of my pregnancies were what you could say, happy surprises. And each pregnancy came at a different stage of my life. My first pregnancy I was in high school and all of 16 years old when I had my son. My second pregnancy, I was 19 and just starting out on my own. Then with my third pregnancy, I was 32 and had finally started to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. The timing of each pregnancy may not have been exactly right, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Each time, on it’s own, was the perfect time to have a baby. With my most recent pregnancy, both Kyle and I knew that we wanted to have…

Top Tips for Dealing with Toddler Temper Tantrums

Top Tips for Dealing with Toddler Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums and toddlers seem to go hand in hand. It’s a developmental thing and finds it roots in any number of things from lack of communication to simply being tired. So that’s why I wanted to share my tips on motherhood for dealing with temper tantrums. And, of course, if  you need more tips and advice, be sure to check out the rest of my tips for modern day parents. Filled with all kinds of helpful posts for motherhood from pregnancy to teens. Handling a temper tantrum can be similar to handling a stubborn toddler. This requires patience, negotiation, and yes- you can reward yourself with a glass of wine or pint of ice cream later on if you so choose. Or both… I…

Building Daily Living Skills in Kids with Autism

Daily living skills are so important to learn for any child. With my autistic daughter, we were so happy to partner with Gain to help with building up her functional life skills. As Sweet B gets older, we’re trying to help her do more things on her own. Some things, like hygiene are taking longer, but other things like putting her dirty dishes in the sink and helping me put away dishes are easier. I think it’s because it’s more systematic and easier for her to understand. But we still want to work on daily living skills so, we’re going to talk about building up daily living skills in kids with autism. Of course, one important thing to keep in mind is that one person…

Mommy Camp for Toddlers: Fine Motor Skills

Welcome back to another week of Mommy Camp for Toddlers! I hope you had fun last week working on your gross motor skills. And if you want to continue to work on those, definitely do! This week’s theme is all about fine motor skills and as I explained last week, I post these on a Friday so you can use the weekend to gather materials for the upcoming week. Some of these items you may already have around the house and do use those items first. I don’t want this to be about purchasing all new materials just for Mommy camp. I’m on a budget too so I know what it’s like! So just what are these fine motor skills? Fine motor skills set the…

Celebrate Shark Week 2015!

Starting Sunday, July 5th- Discovery Channel brings us one of the most anticipated weeks of the year… Shark Week! This is definitely one of my favorite weeks as far as television goes and I look forward to watching every year. Sharks are fascinating creatures and I love learning more about them. But there’s no reason that we can’t make this extra fun (and a little educational) by finding ways to celebrate Shark Week 2015 with activities and snacks. Beyond just having a premiere party, you could really make this an edutaining week by combining learning activities about sharks. For example, Every Star is Different shares Shark Activities for Tots and A Shark Unit – both with free printables. 3 Dinosaurs has a fun Shark printable…

Our Love/Hate Relationship with Balloons

I’m always looking for different ways to help meet Sweet B’s sensory needs and give her different experiences. One of the ways that we’ve done this is with balloons though I will be the first to admit it- we have such a love hate relationship with balloons. Why? Well, pretty simple and I’ll get into it with a list of pros and cons. For the most part they have become a regular part of our sensory play at home, though a little more sparingly since Squeaker arrived. Pros of Balloons for Sensory Issues: * Texture * Size * Diversity- whether filled with air, helium, water, shaving cream, or beans, we get a lot of use out of our balloons. * Colors Cons of Balloons for…