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I have a confession: I hate shopping. Yes, I am female and yes, I mean it- I hate shopping. At least for certain things like toys and clothes. Books, different story, but overall? I cannot stand shopping. I dislike shopping malls and if I can buy what I need from the comfort of my own home- great. But what about this time of the year when Black Friday rolls around? Well, that’s almost enough to entice me because I love saving money. However, I’m still not gung-ho about Black Friday or shopping on Black Friday. But, if you are one of those who enjoys the thrill of Black Friday shopping or if you’re just venturing out for the first time; I’m sharing some shopping tips for Black Friday that will (hopefully) make the experience enjoyable.

Do you enjoy the thrill of shopping on Black Friday? Or maybe you're venturing out for the first time this year? Check out these shopping survival tips for Black Friday.

The hyped up countdown to Black Friday 2015 and the door buster deals gets louder and more profound as the days and hours click off to that magical bargain-barnstorming time when the best deals are to be found for your holiday gift list – and, your own personal needs and wants.

There are even countdown clocks that you can sign up for online that will alert you of the days and hours left until you can plan the big day out, from dawn until dark. You can also sign up to be alerted when certain ads are released.

Retailers want to make sure you don’t miss being advised of the incredible bargains out there on items you may think you can’t afford, but with the Black Friday discounts, they’re easily within reach.

Social media sites can also be used for being sure you’re on track to get the best deals during the Black Friday countdown. Facebook periodically posts ads on the more popular items that are sure to please any online bargain-shopper.

The countdown sites also tell you what’s trending in the ads at any given hour or moment. For example, a recent site reported some Amazon Black Friday deals on Sony televisions, the Sony Alpha a6000 Digital camera, Frye shoes, handbags, other accessories and luggage.

Other top brands that were trending on that ad included smaller items such as Black and Decker tools, Paderno kitchen products and Rubbermaid. You can also find ways to find and print out coupons for Black Friday deals on the countdown sites.

It’s all in one convenient place and you don’t have to spend hours searching. Amazon also announced that it will offer limited time lightning deals during all of its Black Friday 2015 sales.

The elite club of Prime Amazon members will have early access to all of the sales, so if you love shopping on Amazon, you may want to consider moving up to Prime status. Also in the announcement was Amazon’s plan to release 11 future Amazon Black Friday 2015 top deals.

What isn’t clear is when, exactly, the items will go on sale, but those announcements are sure to come. If you’ve enjoyed the anticipation of the Black Friday countdown, you’ll surely enjoy this year’s excitement about the products featured this year – and the amazing prices on them all.

Use the online tools available this year to alert you and let you in on the bargains of items you’re particularly searching for and enjoy a hassle-free and savings-filled Black Friday shopping experience.

One thing to remember, above all else, is to do your research before you venture out in the crowds – or online. This is true especially for big-ticket items such as televisions and electronics of all types.

Read all the consumer report reviews of items you’re interest in before you sign on the dotted line. You might see a product that seems like a real bargain because it’s rock bottom cheap and get a bad deals because it’s poorly made and without quality features.

Before you set out for the stores or open your laptop, be sure you have the ads in hand of the stores where you want to shop. Many stores offer matching low prices on items and it’s best to have the ad to show them as proof.

Another good tip for saving money on your holiday shopping items is to use the store credit cards for your sale shopping. Watch out for substantial interest charges, but if you pay them off right away you may get bargain discounts and warranties.

Also, watch for night owl and early bird special sales. These usually go on between about 4 PM and 11 AM to draw people to the stores that prefer to shop in the evening hours rather than early in the morning, but you can find good deals no matter what time you venture out.

You can also beat the main crowds. Beware of return policies. You’ll want to avoid stores that don’t offer liberal exchange or returns on items that may not fit or that charge a restocking fee.

And by all means, keep your receipts. Some stores are even offering gift receipts that you can include in the gift, but won’t reveal how much you spent for it. Be sure and ask if the store you’re shopping in has such a policy.

Black Friday websites that alert you of the best bargains and list the stores with the best deals sometimes have tips and suggestions that can help make your holiday gift buying less frustrating and more enjoyable.

Forewarned is forearmed, so remember to get as much knowledge as you can before shopping to be sure you get the best bargains and have the best experience possible.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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