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At this time of the year, and really all year round, I love to bake. I’ve always found it to be one of the more relaxing activities to engage in and I’m always looking for new recipes to try out. I want to get Squeaker involved in baking and cooking so I’ve also been looking for simple recipes. Sometimes we start with a boxed or bagged mix and sometimes we start from scratch. Recently, I found an easy four ingredient recipe for peanut butter and Nutella cookies. But, me being me, I couldn’t just stop there so we came up with a five ingredient recipe for peanut butter, nutella, and bacon cookies.

Looking for a quick and easy last minute cookie recipe? Try this five ingredient recipe for peanut butter, Nutella, and bacon cookies.

How to make Peanut butter, Nutella, Bacon Cookies

Of course you could easily make these as four ingredient cookies by omitting one of the main ingredients (peanut butter, Nutella, or bacon) – whatever you prefer. I just opted to keep everything together. This recipe could also become a three ingredient cookie by omitting two of the main ingredients (Peanut Butter and Bacon or Nutella and Bacon) to create an easy cookie.

Who knows, maybe it’s from recently finding out that my birthday coincides with World Nutella Day or just because it’s delicious; but I’ve been searching more and more for Nutella based recipes. Like these Fererro Rocher Cupcakes. Can you say, yum? It took me awhile but I finally learned that Fererro Rocher is made by the same company as Nutella… and the delicious chocolate filling inside? Yup, that’s Nutella too.

Anyway, since making my Peanut Butter Nutella Cup cookies, I’ve wanted to make more baked goods with Nutella. I’ve made Nutella brownies in the past and those went down wonderfully and I’m going to attempt a Nutella bark or maybe Nutella fudge for a family Christmas party.

In the meantime, I’ll also be making another batch of these easy peanut butter, Nutella, and bacon cookies.

peanut butter nutella and bacon cookies pre bake

Yield: 12 cookies

Peanut butter, Nutella, and Bacon cookies

Peanut butter, Nutella, and Bacon cookies

Easy peasy, crowd pleasing, sweet & salty- delicious cookies to make or share.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Additional Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • 1 cup peanut butter , creamy or crunchy
  • 1 cup Nutella
  • 1 package bacon, baked & chopped
  • 1 medium/large egg
  • 1 cup flour


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and in a medium bowl, combine all ingredients
  2. Form the dough into small balls (about the size of a golf ball or smaller) and press onto the cookie sheet one at a time with about 1 inch between each
  3. Flatten with a fork and bake for 8-10 minutes


Additional cook time is for the baked bacon. DO NOT PREHEAT but place individual strips of bacon on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil. Place in oven and set to preheat at 400 degrees. When oven is done preheating, bake for 16 minutes.

 Do you have a favorite cookie recipe?

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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