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Some days I love being a mom.

Some days it’s challenging.

I love my kids unconditionally and that will never change. But some days? I don’t love being a mom.

Some days it sucks.

Yes, I  said it. Some days being a mom sucks. I don’t say this to dismiss individuals who cannot conceive or who have lost children. I am merely acknowledging (to myself) that some days- motherhood is stressful. And it sucks.

I still wouldn’t trade this for anything and some days I may need a reminder.

I went looking for some inspirational words and found 4 powerful motherhood quotes to get through the tough times. These have helped me come to terms with the fact that yes- it is okay to admit that I’m stressed.

And that yes, it is okay to admit that sometimes motherhood is tough.

Some days being a mom is tough. It's stressful and you may count down the minutes until bedtime. Here are 4 powerful motherhood quotes for when the days are stressful.

Being a parent is stressful and it’s okay to say that

Stress is common to all of us. Unfortunately, everyone feels the effects of stress due to simply living in this fast-paced and challenging world. As a mother, stress sometimes comes from the thing that you feel should be the happiest and most fulfilling part of your life – your kids.

But the fact is that being a mom is sometimes stressful so don’t feel guilty about it.

The stresses of motherhood come from the constant care that children require, caring for little ones when they are ill, and sleepless nights when your baby wants to play at 2 AM rather than rest.

Running kids to sports practices, doctor appointments and classes, and sometimes just dealing with your child’s moods and demands can cause you stress and even resentment. This happens to all moms, and it’s normal that you will feel stress over it.

It’s also normal that you may feel guilty about feeling stressed and resentful. Kids are a huge responsibility, and even though you love them and wouldn’t trade them for anything, they can stress you out.

And it’s okay to acknowledge that. In fact? It’s healthier, in the long run, to acknowledge that.

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How to find time for yourself as a busy mom

Sometimes you might feel that you just want to escape from it all, and actually, if your duties as a mom are getting to you, that may not be a bad idea. You can’t jump the next plane for South America and never come back, but getting away for an afternoon on a regular basis can do a world of good for you and your kids.

Tips for taking a break from your kids:

  • Let grandma or grandpa sit with the children, or trade babysitting duties with a trusted friend. Get out of the house and do something you really enjoy, whether it’s a quiet afternoon walk in the park, or lunch and a movie with your best friend.
  • Make sure you also get away once in a while with your husband or significant for a date night. Put on a nice dress or outfit, fix your hair and makeup and go out for a quiet dinner, or a concert, or a double date with friends that you haven’t seen in a while.

It’s okay to get away now and then, and it will give you a chance to re-identify with yourself, your friends and your partner. You should also make time each day for yourself – even if it’s just ten or fifteen minutes.

Also be sure to read important reasons your parenting needs an overhaul for more tips.

Do you feel guilty about mom stress?

If you feel guilty about feeling stressed out at your mom duties, or if you feel guilty about spending time away or on yourself, take time to work your way through that. Guilt feelings aren’t productive and they won’t help you to be a better mother.

The guilt may come from the way you were raised – you might have had a mom that completely devoted herself at all times to her kids and you feel as if you are failing if you don’t do that or feel resentful for having to do that.

Sometimes guilt comes from people that we compare ourselves to such as friends, neighbors or even television characters. Don’t do this to yourself. Only you know how to deal with your own family and self in a way that will keep you healthy and happy.

You need to be healthy and happy in order to be a great mom. If you are really having problems with guilt feelings, you may want to work through them with a counselor or other professional.

When you become a mother, your kids become the first priority in your life, and that’s as it should be. However, you still need balance.

You need time alone, and you need to take care of yourself. Don’t let guilt overshadow the joy you have in life with your family and all of the other things that makes your life worthwhile to you.

4 Powerful Motherhood Quotes to Get You Through the Stress

If you are also in need of a visual reminder, I would love to share these motherhood quotes with you. Print them out and hang them up in several spots.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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J. Ivy Boyter
7 years ago

YES! It’s so incredibly stressful and people act like I’m terrible for expressing the truth. I think misery loves company, so no one wants the truth to be told LOL. Thanks for the quotes.

Herchel A Scruggs
7 years ago

The quotes are beautiful. This guilt thing is hard. Motherhood is stressful. Right now I am staring at the mess in my house and feel all the overwhelm.

Mary Leigh
7 years ago

These are beautiful quotes. I agree that sometimes it is tough. Actually, a lot of times it is tough. I find that most of my days oscillate on some pendulum of “this was a really great part of the day and this was a really tough part of the day”. But everyday we get through it and each day we get to start anew. It is truly challenging and totally worth it at the same time. It’s the best job I’ve had!