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If I told you that, according to the Briggs Meyer personality type that I’m an INFJ, what would you say? I’ve taken other tests that are similar to the Briggs Meyer but no matter what? My beginning letter is always an I. Yes, I am an introvert. Or at least have more introvert tendencies than I do extrovert. Maybe that’s why this particular career path has worked out for me. If you are also an introvert, or have an introvert in your life, here are a few informative, insightful, and thoughtful book gift ideas for introverts.


Honestly, I think coloring books would make for an ideal gift as well. But, as an introvert and in general, one of my favorite past times is reading. I don’t get to do it quite as much now but I’m going to make it an intentional part of my day going forward. I prefer non-fiction to fiction so a lot of these books are along those lines.

What is an Introvert?

If you were to look up the definition of introvert or introversion you would find a definition similar to this: Introversion is the action of directing one’s own interests towards their own thoughts and feelings as opposed to projecting this into the world.

Those who are introverted get their energy and excitement from who they are internally and thus get replenished through periods of just being alone. While they are great listeners, informed decision makers, and can maintain attention, they are known to only have a small close circle of friends.

There are two types of introverts; those that are self sufficient, diligent, yet distant, and those who have trouble communicating and are very shy. In both instances, being alone is preferred as it restores their energy.

55 Book Gift Ideas for Introverts

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop TalkingIntrovert Doodles: An Illustrated Look at Introvert Life in an Extrovert WorldThe Introvert Advantage: How Quiet People Can Thrive in an Extrovert WorldThe Introvert Writer: Being Your Creative Best By Being Your Truest SelfIntrovert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden StrengthThe Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World (Perigee Book)An Introvert's Guide to Being SocialQuiet Power: The Secret Strengths of IntrovertsThe Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms YouIntrovert: A Scientific Explanation and Guide to an Introvert's Mind (Volume 1)Thinking, Fast and SlowThe Irresistible Introvert: Harness the Power of Quiet Charisma in a Loud WorldConfident You: An Introvert's Guide to Success in Life and BusinessThe Awakened Introvert: Practical Mindfulness Skills to Help You Maximize Your Strengths and Thrive in a Loud and Crazy WorldIntrovert: Learn to Crush Fear, Escape your Comfort Zone and Thrive as an Introvert (Confidence, Success, Motivation, Self Esteem)Introvert: modern day guide for introverts, ways to conquer fear and find happiness (shyness, social anxiety, success, confidence, relationship)Introvert's Guide To Success In An Extrovert's World How To Take Advantage Of Your Inner Power & Quiet GeniusIntrovert Dreams: A Coloring Book JourneyIntrovert : A Comprehensive Guide To Confidence For Better Relationship,Communication, And LeadershipIntrovert: The friendly takeoverThe Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own TermsIntrovert: Anxiety Self Help For Shyness And Social Anxiety For An Introvert Advantage. Introvert Power Guide To Exude Confidence, Escape Fear and Be The Person You Came Here To BeSelf-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide to Getting AheadJobs for People Who Hate People: The Ultimate Career Guide for IntrovertsEscaping The Introvert World: The Introvert's Guide To Overcoming Shyness, Social Anxiety, And Fear To Thrive In An Extrovert WorldQuiet Influence: The Introvert's Guide to Making a DifferenceIntroverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted CultureHow to Make Friends as an Introvert: Discover Introvert-Friendly Ways to Meet New People, Improve Your Social Skills, and Make New FriendsBeing You: A How-To Guide for IntrovertsThe Introvert Mindset: How to Use Your Special Talents and Unique Personality Traits to Create SuccessIntrovert: How to Boost Confidence and Overcome Social AnxietyThe Entrepreneurial Introvert Guide: Discover and Take advantage of your Quiet Inner Power, Making the Best of your Introvert Methods to Kill It in the Business WorldInsight: Reflections on the Gifts of Being an IntrovertIntrovert: Ten Introverts that Built Modern Society and Influenced the World We Live In (Successful Introverts, Conquer Fear, Extrovert Society, Introverts Advantage)Introvert Leaders That Run The World: 16 Reasons Why Introvert People Lead in Business, Politics, Arts, Science & Technology (Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, ... quiet (Motivation, excellence, Success)Social Anxiety and Shyness Ultimate Guide: Techniques to Overcome Stress, Achieve Self Esteem and Succeed as an IntrovertIntrovert: An Introvert's Guide To Being Successful And Happy In An Extrovert SocietyIntrovert Essentials: Overcome Shyness, Conquer Fears, & Achieve SuccessThe Quiet Introvert: Being Quiet in a Social WorldQuiet Impact: A Creative Introvert's Guide to the Art of Getting NoticedSpeak Up!: The Introvert's Guide to Confidence, Friends, and Conquering AnxietyThe Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World [Paperback] [2002] (Author) Marti Olsen Laney Psy.D.Introvert Revolution: Leading Authentically in a World That Says You Can'tThe Introvert: It's who I amHow To Be An IntrovertThe Introvert's Guide to Professional Success: How to Let Your Quiet Competence Be Your Career AdvantageThe Christian IntrovertSuccess as an Introvert For DummiesQuiet Faith: An Introvert's Guide to Spiritual SurvivalThe Happy Introvert: A Wild and Crazy Guide for Celebrating Your True SelfThe Art of Shouting Quietly: A Guide to Self-Promotion for Introverts and Other Quiet Souls


Wearable Gift Ideas for Introverts

Introverts Unite We're Here And Go Home Funny Sarcasm TshirtJust Pretend I'm Not Here. That's What I'm Doing - IntrovertIntrovert Hey Sorry I'm Late I Didn't Want To Come T ShirtCan You Not Introvert T-ShirtSorry, it's tooSorry I am awkward funny t-shirt Introvert Anti-social GiftI'm Dreaming Of An Introvert Christmas Leave Me Alone ShirtI May Be Quiet But My Mind Is Loud T Shirt Introvert FunnyBooks Make Me Happy You Not So Much T-ShirtBe Afraid of the Quiet Ones FUNNY INTROVERT SHIRTI'm Sorry I Didn't Answer My Phone - Funny Introvert T ShirtSocial Skills Loading Introvert T-ShirtRead my Shirt Enough Social Interaction T-shirt IntrovertCOME TO THE INTROVERT SIDE WE HAVES CATS TSHIRTI'm A Social Vegan, I Avoid Meet Funny Introverts T-ShirtAint No Party Like Introvert Party Funny Anti Social T-Shirt


Coffee (or tea) Cup Gift Ideas for Introverts

Human Introvert Definition3dRose Introverts Unite Were Here Were Uncomfortable Black - Two Tone Black Mug, 11oz (mug_223786_4), 11 oz, Black/WhiteHuman Come To The Introverts Side We Have CatsUingShow A Map of the Introvert's Heart Ceramic Coffee Mug Tea CupCafePress - INTROVERT Insufficient Energy - Coffee Mug, Large 15 oz. White Coffee CupPlease Come Back Later Introvert Recharging 001, Ceramic 15 oz. Coffee Mug Tea Cup by Groovy GiftablesCoffee Mugs for Nerds, Geeks, and Board Game Enthusiasts (enough social interaction)Human Quiet People Have The Loudest MindsHuman Sorry I Can't I Already Filled My People Quota for TodayIt's Too Peopley Outside White Muggot introvert? - Frosted Glass Coffee Mug 10ozHuman It's Been Lovely But I Have To Be Alone NowIntroverts Awesome Coffee Mug-WhiteHuman Super Introvert GirlIntrovert Mug - Stay Home Club - Quality Introvert Gift


Sometimes all that an introvert wants is to be left alone. So pick out a few books, a new mug, and let them be.


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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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