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As moms we take on a lot of roles and we tend to wear a lot of hats. 

Our job is 24/7 all year long. 

When we then add on additional roles as work at home moms, or homeschooling moms? We take on more and more. 

We really don’t always value ourselves or value what we do.

Sometimes it’s difficult for us to even recognize just how important we are. 

Do you regularly practice self-care? And for that matter, when was the last time that you did something that was just for you? You absolutely should take the time to do something for yourself. It is more than okay to be a little selfish.

Me time for moms is needed.

In fact, if you keep a schedule or have a planner, I would highly encourage you to put “me time” into your day. But why? Why is me time so important?

This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs.  I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.

As a mom, acknowledge to yourself: yes, mothers are important

There are individuals who aspire to have a career and prefer not to have children, and there are individuals who aspire to be parents and prefer no career.

Both of these options are legitimate.

However, there are many who would like to experience both the wonders of parenthood and a thriving career. Is it possible? The answer used to be “no” or “rarely”, but it is becoming more common to do both, and to do them well.

How does one find balance between the rigorous demands of parenting and a career?

Are you an autistic mom or mom of an autistic child? The Routine Toolkit is for you! Created by an autism mom with autistic children.

Can you be successful in a career and as a mom?

Yes. Absolutely. But it’s less about balance and more about the following things:


When you wish to have both a career and children, you must be good at prioritizing. You will inevitably end up in one or more situations where you will need to make a quick decision on what has to be placed first, and what has to be placed second. Perhaps you are due to attend your child’s school band concert and a last-minute meeting is arranged at work.

It sounds cliché but these kinds of situations happen.

Think about what you would do ahead of time in a hypothetical emergency, and it will be easier to make a split-second decision, should the time come.

Societal Acceptance

It may have been frowned upon in another generation for mothers to work outside the home, but it is now common in most circles. With society’s acceptance of this situation, there are many resources available to help you balance children and careers. Check out blogs and other online info for ideas on how to make life run as smoothly as possible.

Childcare Options

There are many childcare options to parents who have a career. From daycare, to nannies who come to your home, to childcare providers who live with you, there is certainly a situation that will fit your family. Check out your options and you may be surprised at the great variety available.

It Takes a Village

Utilize your friends and family. You need not feel that you must be a superhero and carry the full load yourself. See if friends and family would be willing to help you out as you navigate the waters of a parenting with a career.

Job Options

Because it is now common for parents to work outside the home, many job options are available to those who are interested. Ask your employer if they would consider allowing you to work full or part-time from home. Find out if job sharing is available if you are not able to commit full-time at this point.

Make Room for “Me Time”

In the middle of the madness, take care of yourself. Put on your own life jacket before attempting to put on anyone else’s, so to speak. Make time to relax, and remember to spoil yourself a little. When you are relaxed, your family and job will both benefit from it.

As the holidays approach, you may start to put me time on the back burner. As the official diaper of experienced parents, Luvs is always committed to providing moms and dads with value.

They recognize that parenting can be difficult, so diapering shouldn’t be.

Have a Partner Who Is on Board

If you are married or in a romantic relationship, find out if your partner is on board. If they are willing to shoulder some of the additional work that might naturally occur, it will help a great deal. Work as a team and you will be more effective.

Balancing a career with parenthood is not easy, but it is certainly not impossible. You can do anything you set your mind to. With a little determination and support from your community, you can find the balance and be a success at both. But if you decide to hold off on your career and focus on parenting? Be certain to still schedule in your “me time”.

How do you practice self care?

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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