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This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BlueLizardSummer #CollectiveBias

Starting a garden was one of the most rewarding things that we did last year. I would consider it a success and this year we intend to have another backyard garden. We planted vegetables last year and we’ll do the same this year. And though we did find some success, I would still consider myself to be an amateur gardener. If you are like me, here are my gardening essentials for the amateur gardener. I’m not promising that we’ll be pros at this by the end of the season, but here’s to growth and success.

From one amateur to another, here are my gardening essentials for the amateur gardener. #BlueLizardSummer #ad

Why We Started a Garden at Home

Weather permitting, we try to spend more time outdoors. Sure, I have my work schedule that I adhere to for the morning. But we try to keep our afternoons as free as possible. Usually this means going for a walk or keeping it closer to home.

Squeaker is happy to play and I like to get a little work done in the garden.

But why gardening?

There are so many reasons that people take up gardening:

  • Satisfaction of growing your own vegetables
  • A backyard to be proud of
  • Stress Relief
  • Physical Health
  • Family projects

And the list really could go on.

But, when I started on this gardening endeavor, I was pretty clueless. Sure, we did our own raised gardening bed and we’ve tried container gardening in the past.

But I was also still pretty unaware as to what I needed in terms of gardening essentials. Beyond the basics, you know. Seeds, proper soil, water.

Not to mention the first time that I spent a significant amount of time outside, I got sunburned.

Now, I’m not one to usually brag but I don’t burn easily. I tan easily but I usually don’t sunburn. I’m also picky about my sunscreen because of my various skin allergies.

However, lesson learned (and learned the hard way) – I needed to include sunscreen in my gardening tools.

But what exactly does one look for when it comes to sunscreen? Surely they’re all the same, right?

Not exactly.

Important Things to Look for in a Sunscreen

1.  Broad-Spectrum

Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect your skin from the sun’s two main types of ultraviolet rays – UVA (the dominant tanning ray) and UVB (known to cause burning).  Neither one is safe though, as they both contribute to aging in your skin and eyes, as well as skin cancers.

So if you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, you will be protecting your skin from burning, skin cancer, wrinkling, and other aging of the skin.

2.  Sun Protection Factor (SPF)

The SPF refers to the level of blockage against UVB (it does not include UVA) rays that the sunscreen provides.  So the higher the SPF is, the longer you can stay in the sun before you burn.  For example, a SPF 30 means you can stay in the sun longer before you burn than if you are using a sunscreen with SPF 15.

However, this does NOT mean that you can stay in the sun twice as long.  Instead, it means that the SPF 30 would block out approximately 97% of the UVB rays, and a SPF 15 would block out approximately 94% of UVB rays.

If you are highly sensitive to the sun, then you will want to use sunscreen with higher SPF.  However, those sunscreens with SPF 100, for example, will not block 100% of the UVB rays.

No sunscreen does that.

Many physicians recommend their patients use products with SPF ratings of 30-45, if they will be spending extended time outdoors.  Products with SPF 15 can be effective for incidental sun exposure, and can be found in many face moisturizers.

Our sunscreen of choice? Blue Lizard® Australian Sunscreen.

But why Blue Lizard®?

  • It provides all the coverage you need for both you and your family to stay safe in the sun
  • There’s a unique zinc oxide formula
  • Broad spectrum to protect from both UVA and UVB rays
  • Blue Lizard® is a brand trusted by dermatologists, pediatricians, and especially moms!
  • The bottle turns blue when exposed to harmful UV rays- this is a great visual reminder that you may need more sunscreen

Make sure that sunscreen is a part of your gardening essentials kit with this free printable:

Gardening Essentials for the Amateur Gardener

Print it out and keep it handy so you’ll always have these things on hand:

  • Hand trowel
  • Gardening gloves
  • Spade
  • Rake
  • Sun hat
  • Watering can
  • Pruning shears
  • Scissors
  • Hand Weeder
  • Blue Lizard®

Download your Gardening Essentials Printable

What’s on your list of gardening essentials?

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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robin rue
robin rue
7 years ago

Sunscreen is super important. I have never tried this brand, but it sounds great. I will be sure to pic some up!

Marcie in Mommyland
7 years ago

We used to use Blue Lizard sunscreen! I forgot it existed! We tried gardening last year and had disastrous results. Apparently being gone most of the summer and forgetting to water isn’t the ideal set-up 🙂

Angela Tolsma
7 years ago

I started a patio garden this year! It’s a scary and exciting adventure! Gardening is so peaceful and seeing the fruits of your labor is awesome

Amanda Love
7 years ago

Gardening is great, I would consider myself a novice in that area. I think these are pretty much what you need. Sunscreen is definitely important, especially since we can be prone to skin ailments while working under the sun.

7 years ago

I need to remember sunscreen! i am always making sure my kids are all lathered up but I never put it on myself. So awful. I will have to check out Blue Lizard.

7 years ago

This is exactly what I need. I don’t think there is any more of a gardening amateur than I am! I can hardly keep anything alive!

Yona Williams
Yona Williams
7 years ago

I think that a lot of people overlook the importance of sun protection when out in the garden. I know that I pile it on before doing outdoor activities, like bike riding, but I do forget when I do something like work in the yard.

7 years ago

Thanks for the tips! My hubby and FIL love to garden. I try to stress the importance of sunscreen to them. I will show them this post….hopefully they will wise up lol.