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Easy St. Patrick’s Day Art for Toddlers

Today I’m sharing two super easy St. Patrick’s Day art for toddlers ideas. You’ll be able to find the sheets that I used in my Simple St. Patrick’s Day Coloring, Matching and Puzzles Pack or in my St. Patrick’s Day Printable Pack . I’m hesitant to call this Tot School just yet as we aren’t integrating anything else into it (shapes, colors, letters)… plus Squeaker will only be 15 months on March 5th (2015), so I wouldn’t expect for her to be ready for some of the other stuff I have planned for Tot School. For both projects, I printed them out on card stock so they would hold up a little better to the finger paint and markers.

Two Easy St. Patrick's Day Art for Toddlers ideas

For our first art project, Squeaker finger painted a shamrock.

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We made our own finger paint for this and it was also really easy to do. Of course, you can also use store bought finger paint if you wish. The choice is yours.

Ingredient List:

* Flour

* Water

* Food coloring

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I used warm water that was heated in the tea kettle. I started with maybe  1/4 cup of flour, poured right into the container because I knew we were only going to use green today. After that, I added water until I got the consistency that I wanted. Once I had that, not too lumpy or watery, I added about 10 drops of food coloring.

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I used a craft stick to stir the paint and to also put a few dabs on the shamrock. I let Squeaker take care of the rest.

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Squeaker preferred to use just her right hand for this activity, which was fine. Though once she got some of the finger paint on her fingers, she did squish it around a bit in her hand.

For the next project, I merged two graphics from a clipart pack and checked to make sure that I had the order of the colors right on the Irish flag.

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I then set out the do-a-dot markers for Squeaker.

Materials Used:

Do-a-Dot Markers – green and orange

The first part I did with her hand over hand, then after seeing that she had the hang of it, I let her do the rest on her own

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Again, she seemed to have a right hand preference so I rotated the picture for her to make it easier to put the orange dots on.

Overall, I think that she did have fun with these and by keeping them simple, she was able to enjoy them.

I’m not sure if we’ll wait until Easter to do another simple art project or if we’ll make something else before that. It’ll all depend on her.

Linking up with: Tot School Gathering Place

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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Brandi Clevinger
9 years ago

Cute kids! Those dot markers are so cool! I need to get my little one some of those! They remind me of Bingo, which I love! haha

Thanks for sharing at Inspire Me Mondays!

Helen @ Peakle Pie
9 years ago

What great ideas! Thank you for linking up with the Frugal Family Linky!

9 years ago

Very cute! I’ve never seen do-a-dot markers. My girls would love those. It looks like Tot School to me. It’s just the sort of thing my oldest was doing in preschool. But you’re doing it at home! I love it! 🙂