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Do you love the Avengers movies? So do we! Celebrate your love for all things Avengers with this DIY Mason Jar Avengers craft! This post was originally sponsored by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #AvengersUnite #CollectiveBias

We have been waiting for MARVEL’S The Avengers Age of Ultron to come out on DVD for quite some time. The first movie is one of my absolute favorites and the other movies in the franchise are equally exciting. My personal favorite characters are Thor and Iron Man, for different reasons. While we haven’t planned out a watch party exactly, we had been counting down the days to the release of the movie.  Once we finally heard of a definite release date, it was time to wait (somewhat patiently) until we could pick up the movie at our local Walmart. Of course, that turned into a whole discussion about Halloween, decorating for Halloween, dress up clothes, Halloween costumes, and super heroes. We haven’t done too much decorating yet but I knew that I had to do something.

Celebrate the release of MARVEL'S The Avengers Age of Ultron with these DIY Avengers mason jars.

Luckily for us, Walmart has just about everything that we need to accomplish both this fun project and celebrate awesomeness that is The Avengers at any time.

We picked up a few costumes for nephews and Phooka (my friend’s son that I’m watching during the week) since T & J already have their Halloween costume ideas… and have decided that they’re too old for dress up at the very grown up ages of 12 and 8 respectively.

marvel avengers costumes

Supplies Needed for the DIY Mason Jar Avengers

Still, that didn’t put me off from finding everything else I needed to make my Avengers mason jars.

Here’s what you’ll need to get your own Avengers to assemble (… see what I did there?)

  • Mason Jars (five)
  • Paint (we used poster paint but acrylic should work fine as well- you’ll need green, yellow or orange, blue, and red.)
  • Brushes (I started with a sponge brush)
  • Black tissue paper (or paint)
  • Glue (I used a hot glue gun but school glue will work as well)
  • Card stock (to print the Avengers)
  • Avengers Printable – Updated 4/18/2019 to include MORE Avengers! (download here)
  • Scissors
  • Playdough (if using birthday candles)
  • Candles (Tea light or birthday candles)

I know that the list may seem lengthy but it really wasn’t a time consuming project and depending on the ages of your children, they can do most of this on their own. The most time consuming parts were waiting for the paint to dry and cutting out the Avengers figures for the jars.

Putting the DIY Mason Jar Avengers Together

diy avengers mason jars steps

Paint each mason jar with it’s corresponding color (and yes, I realize that this debatable as well):

Hulk = Green, Iron Man = Yellow or Orange, Captain America = Blue, Thor = Red, Avengers logo = black (tissue paper or paint) 

For additional Avengers, I would just rotate between those main colors or you can use the colors of the Infinity Stones:

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Purple

Let dry and in the meanwhile, print out your Avengers and cut them out. I did use cardstock but you could certainly use regular printer paper. Just note that the cardstock will be more durable.

Once your jars are dry, glue your cut outs on the non raised side of the jar.

Inside of each jar, place a birthday candle (anchored with a little bit of playdough) or a tea light.

At first, I admit, I tried a crayon because I could not find any sort of candles around the house and I remember reading somewhere that in an emergency, you could use a crayon instead of a candle for light.

hulk mason jar with crayon

Bad idea. This did not end well for the crayon, I must say.

the melted crayon

However, after searching through several multi-purpose (aka junk) drawers, I finally found the elusive birthday candles.

hulk mason jar with birthday candle

And that lit up wonderfully!

mason jar hulk lit up

Weather permitting, I might put these out on the porch for Halloween. But that will also depend on how much I trust our local trick or treaters. We could also have them lining the windows, which I think might be a better option.  Our mason jar candles will also be the perfect backdrop for our own MARVEL’S The Avengers Age of Ultron watch party. Or you could make these for an Avengers themed birthday party.

Celebrate the release of MARVEL's Captain America: Civil War, or The Avengers Age of Ultron with these fun DIY mason jar avengers. #AvengersUnite #ad
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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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Summer Len Davis
9 years ago

Fun jars! They’d be a great centerpiece for an Avengers Halloween party! #client

9 years ago

These are so cool! I am pretty sure I will have to do this for my son’s 3rd birthday!

9 years ago

Awh, what a shame that 12 and 8 is too old for dressing up! Once they get just a bit older and go off to college or uni they don’t seem to be able to stop going to fancy dress parties! I love your little marvel jar candle holders, very cool! Sorry about the crayon – you make these mistakes so we don’t have to!

9 years ago

These are so cute! My kids have been bummed about no Black Widow stuff too.

8 years ago

I know I’m a little late, but I was just wondering what the black paint/tissue paper was for? I didn’t see anything in the directions. Also, did you just use white cardstock? Thanks!

2 years ago

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