5 Ways a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Help You Lose Weight

5 Ways a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Help You Lose Weight

While I’m getting back on track with a regular workout routine, my diet could use some work. Now, you should know, I’m not a fan of restrictive diets. Instead, I look for other ways to eat healthier so I’m not on an “official diet“. But rather, making healthier choices. Recently, I’ve looked into clean eating and into low carb or Keto. I’ve found 5 ways a low carb lifestyle can help you lost weight. And that was of great interest to me. I’m not a huge weight loss journey. But ultimately, I want to live a healthier lifestyle and that includes what I eat. Low carb diets are common in the weight loss spectrum. Many studies have shown them to result in more weight lost…

6 Simple Tips for Flat Abs That Don’t Involve Crunches

6 Simple Tips for Flat Abs That Don’t Involve Crunches

Now, while I’m not after having a six pack? I would like a flatter tummy. So I’ve looked and looked for tips for flat abs and not the same old, same old. I don’t want to do crunches, or variations on crunches, for hours. They’ve never been my favorite thing. I recognize that they can be effective, but I need variety in my home workout. It’s why I incorporate yoga into my home workout. But what else can be done? How to Target Your Core While there are certainly core exercises that you can do at home, it goes beyond just doing exercise. Yes, exercise is important and it’s definitely a factor. But it’s not the ultimate key to getting flat abs. If you’ve tried…

4 Easy Fat Burning Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day

4 Easy Fat Burning Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day

We’ve talked a bit about how having healthy eating habits will really set the stage for your overall health. And this is true. What we eat has a lot to do with how we feel. So today, let’s take a look at these 4 fat burning breakfast ideas to start your day. Now you may be thinking- but who has time for breakfast? Trust me, even though you may be tempted to skip it; breakfast is important. In fact, I would encourage you to make it one of your health and wellness goals. I will be the first to admit to it- this is definitely one of those areas that I could improve on. So yes, I need to practice what I preach. I’ve tried…

11 Signs and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

11 Signs and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Though the topic only seems to get attention when a celebrity comes out to talk about it, like Brooke Shields or most recently with Hayden Panettier, postpartum depression is a very real thing. And I think it’s unfortunate that it takes a celebrity sharing their story for people to really start paying attention to any sort of mental health issue. As someone who has struggled with clinical depression, I realized that the reality of postpartum depression happening was very real. After having Squeaker and V, it wasn’t something that I dealt with but after the birth of Sweet B- postpartum depression hit me big time. I’m not sure why that would occur with one pregnancy but not the other two. Or maybe it was just…

10 Healthy Foods To Have In Your Kitchen

10 Healthy Foods To Have In Your Kitchen

Your overall health and wellness will usually start with what you eat. Sure, there’s more to it (how much sleep you get, level of activity, etc.) but it usually begins with your overall diet. Now, when I’m talking about “diet” I don’t mean the restrictive kind. There are many different kinds of diets that you may have heard of. But, in this case, it just means your general food intake and relates to the standard American diet. You can start taking steps towards a healthier diet without sacrificing, simply by incorporating one (or more) of these healthy foods to have in your kitchen. And be sure to check out more of my health and wellness tips for moms for further guidance. Living longer is about…

6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

When it comes to spring cleaning, most of us just think about how we can spring clean our homes. And that’s great. But have you ever thought to spring clean your life? Spring cleaning your house or apartment is incredibly important. You live there, after all, and you want it to look nice. Spring cleaning can also be a great stress relief. I’ll be the first to admit, that when I’m in a bad mood- I clean. I also like to bake. And there have been many a batch of cookies to go along with a sparkling kitchen. But did you know that this is also a good time of the year to clean up your life? By now, those who make diet or health resolutions…