Melk the Christmas Monkey

* Disclosure: I received a complimentary item to facilitate this review. This did not sway my opinion and I have given a 100% honest review. Did you know that there are two months until Christmas? Yes, that’s right- two months. Though I’ve been talking about Christmas for a month now on my blog and finally released my first ever Holiday Gift Guide.. I wanted to talk about something that we’ve been doing behind the scenes at home. I’m talking about Melk the Christmas Monkey, a very special Christmas friend who’s made residence with us earlier this month. Melk’s purpose is to help teach God’s character through Bible lessons and activities that the entire family can enjoy. And he’s done that and more in our home….

Fun with Frankenstein

[Tweet “Check out my review of the Build and Play App by BabyLit!”] I’m not one to fully advocate for screen time for kids, unless it’s active. Granted, Sweet B does get some passive screen time in after she’s done some non-tv/tech stuff (puzzles, coloring… and our soon to be coming: Afterschooling). And Squeaker doesn’t have much screen time at all.  See why in my Screen Time for Babies post. That being said, I’ve been in contact with BabyLit about the gift guide. The feature review will be coming (and I’m so excited about that!) but in the meantime I also had the opportunity to review the Build and Play App. On a rainy day this week, Sweet B had a half day from school….

A Faith Filled Halloween- Guest Post

A Faith Filled Halloween- Guest Post

Should Christian’s Celebrate Halloween? Here’s a Faith Filled Approach By Guest Poster- Traci Rhoades from Traces of Faith Let me start by saying I have no haunting tales from my own childhood Halloween experiences. It never spooked me. Seeing the scary costumes didn’t impact me one way or the other. Attending the haunted house set up in the sanctuary of my church might seem a bit strange now, but I thought nothing of it at the time.   So when we had our daughter, my husband and I weighed the pros and cons of Halloween. As parents. Together, we decided we would not celebrate this holiday.   A quick Internet search will enlighten you about the evening’s history. Actually, our research taught us that most…

Should Babies Have Screen Time?

Should babies have screen time? While perhaps a controversial topic, I believe that screen time for babies can be both beneficial and harmful. But, in order to understand both sides of the debate, I think it’s also helpful to understand the types of screen time that are involved. If it’s passive screen time, I think that’s harmful. On the other hand, active (and guided) screen time can be beneficial. In this post, I want to talk about screen time for babies and also recommend a few apps to help. Technology can be both a beautiful and harmful thing. Do babies really need screen time? For that matter, do any of us really need screen time? Well, I sound like such a hypocrite because here I…

Overcoming Hate with Love

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” – Nelson Mandela Overcoming Hate with Love: A message from Give Forward Acceptance and tolerance are two of the things that I long for where it concerns my children and especially with my middle child. With her autism being what it is, I employ every public moment as an opportunity to educate and raise awareness. Ignorance, unfortunately, is all too common place where it concerns special needs children and the public. Far too often I…

Printable Christmas Wish List

I’m fully aware that it’s only September and that I’m already talking about Christmas. Still, maybe it’s too soon… Hmm, I think that’s debatable. But, I wanted to at least start offering a few Christmas related things while I have the chance to really make them (and then tweak them later). First up this year are printable Christmas wish lists, all in .jpg format because when I tried to convert to a pdf, it just wasn’t going well. I’ll have .pdf ones in a later post, probably later next month or at the beginning of November. I remember writing out my list to Santa, every year. I never mailed it, never brought it to the mall, but I always wrote one out. For me, it’s…