
Two Meaningful Quotes About Motherhood for the Mom Who Feels Unappreciated

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If you’re feeling a bit underappreciated as a mom, I get it. Sometimes it seems like the work that we do just isn’t acknowledged and it sucks. As moms, whether we are stay at home, work at home, or work outside of the home; we do a lot.

We tend to wear many hats in addition to our primary hat as mom. And that applies whether we are a single moms, married moms, divorced moms, etc. Moms are very busy people. And more often than not, the work that we do on an every day basis? It may not seem like we’re doing enough. It may seem, to others, that we simply aren’t doing a lot.

But in reality? Yes, we are. We are doing so much behind the scenes and in front. 

Being a mom is one of the most challenging and rewarding things that I have ever done. My oldest will be 21 on his next birthday, my middle child will be 18, and my youngest will be 6. That lead to a search about motherhood quotes and while I found plenty of them, there were two quotes about motherhood that really resonated with me.

There are quotes for just about everything it seems. Here's one incredibly meaningful quote about motherhood that really resonated with me.

Why These Quotes on Motherhood Resonated With Me

One of two meaningful quotes about motherhood that I found after reflecting on my son's 17th birthday.

This first one, I must say, stuck with me for several reasons.

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  • It’s true. We are not mothers before we have children. Sure, we may pretend and we may have baby dolls but we are not mothers. It is not until we bring a child into this world that we truly become a mother.
  • To that extent, I feel as though each child brings about a different experience.
  • When my first child was born, I was 16. I ceased to become just an every day teenager and became a teenage mother. While challenging, it was not something that I would have traded for the world.
  • And that’s not to discount step-moms, adoptive moms, or foster moms. Far from it. I think that the first time that we have the opportunity to be a mother- in whatever capacity, that is when we truly change as human beings. We go from being just a person to being responsible for another person.

>>>> Download This Motherhood Quote <<<<

Motherhood quote about a mother's heart being a patchwork of love.

This one, I felt, was also beautiful. But for different reasons.

>>>> Download This Motherhood Quote <<<<

My children mean the world to me and being able to stay at home with them has been one of the best things that I’ve ever been able to do. As I grow as a person and a mother, I am continuously reminded of how precious life is. And to celebrate every day.

Finding joy in every day, while not always easy, has been another thing that motherhood has taught me.

Want these quotes in a coloring book? You are in luck! My first free printable motherhood quotes coloring book is here and it features these two quotes (plus three others).

The Autism Family Guide is your shortcut to autism parenting.

How do I know?

Because friend, the resources in this guide are lifechanging.

Create routines with ease, calming strategies at your fingertips, and more.

What does motherhood mean to you?

Truly, what does being a mom mean?

When we think of a mother, what kind of a picture we get in our mind? A compassionate lady who will sacrifice all her comforts and will work ceaselessly in the home without expecting any monetary reward, only to take care of her children.

Is this correct?

Motherhood means sacrifice and pain from day one of conception. But this pain and sacrifice brings forward a beautiful feeling in a woman after she finds that her children are happy and healthy. That is the only reward she desires from her children.

And that is motherhood.

Do you have a favorite quote on motherhood? Here are just a few of my favorites.

The Empowering and Powerful Role of Motherhood

This is true not only for humans but all mothers of the animal kingdom. A tigress will attack you and kill you if you dare to approach her cubs. Every animal mother teaches her young ones the art of living in their world.

Every mother is ready to go to any length to save her young ones.

A woman begins dreaming about her child soon after conception. Many expectant mothers talk to the yet to be born child. They feel totally comfortable doing that. They plan for the future of the kid, food, education, clothing, shelter everything. From the poorest to the richest mothers, we find that a sense of protecting her progeny is the most common trait.

For a mother, the child is often her extension.

Embracing the Role of Motherhood

It’s easy to get so engrossed in motherhood that your other relationships begin to suffer. It’s not intentional, but you barely even have enough time in your busy day to take a shower, let alone return phone calls or make friendly visits. You begin to feel the guilt seeping in slowly but surely, as your mother exaggerates on your voicemail that she has begun to forget what you look like!

After hearing the message you retreat to your bedroom only to find your overlooked husband cuddled-up to the body pillow for intimacy.

So, on top of being completely overwhelmed with a thousand things to do around the house and with the children, you now have shame resting comfortably on your shoulders for isolating your loved ones.

The Autism Family Guide is your shortcut to autism parenting.

How do I know?

Because friend, the resources in this guide are lifechanging.

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As a busy mom, there will be times in your life when you may grow anxious or depressed with the sudden changes in your world and feel unappreciated.

This is the ideal opportunity to turn to your family and circle of friends because, 9 times out of 10, they’ve been there, understand, and may even have some helpful tools to get you through it.

It’s easy to forget the things that make moms feel happy and complete when their focus is on everyone else. Take some time to reflect. Write down things you used to enjoy and miss doing. Add to that activities you never tried but would like to experience.

Now come up with creative ways to merge them into your monthly schedule.

The key factor in making time for the important people in your life is to be able to effectively communicate your needs and desires. If taking care of the children is holding you back, speak up and ask a family member or friend for help. The people who love you will want to assist you in some way. Avoid asking the same people for help repeatedly.

Tap into your entire support system so you don’t take advantage of one person’s kindness and willingness to assist.

Positive Affirmation for Moms

Now, look in the mirror and affirm, “I am more than a mother. I am a sister, lover, daughter, and friend. Yes, I was born as a nurturer, naturally, but I have qualities that transcend social function and stigmas. I have a purpose to thrive creatively and spiritually without limitations and barriers. I am destined for greatness and I accept and welcome the positive support from my girlfriends, family, community, and soul-mate.”

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And celebrate the fact that you are more than a mother and you are proud of each and every title you hold in the lives of those you love.

What are your favorite quotes about being a mom?

Are you consumed in your role of motherhood? There is nothing wrong with this! But you should also keep in mind that yes- you are more than just a mom.

The Autism Family Guide is your shortcut to autism parenting.

How do I know?

Because friend, the resources in this guide are lifechanging.

Create routines with ease, calming strategies at your fingertips, and more.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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