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As a blogger, you are constantly experimenting to find a system that works. Whether it’s creating an editorial calendar, posting schedule, image creation; there is seemingly no end. One of the most important things for a blogger to figure out is a social media strategy. At least, that’s important to me. I want to diversify my traffic streams, so having a social media promotional strategy is crucial.

I’ve tried almost everything out there and believe me, I’ve had more than a few headaches over it.

But let me tell you about something that I’ve been trying recently in my quest to simplify my social media strategy.


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Now, when I talk about social media, I mean the following networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google +.

Why not include Pinterest?

Because to me, Pinterest is a visual search engine. I treat Pinterest in a similar way that I SEO. I already have a system that I use for Pinterest, so I needed to find something similar that would at least work for Facebook and Twitter. Having Google+ covered would be nice too.

As I mentioned already, I’ve tried almost everything.

Some of it was fairly user friendly, some of it not. After asking around in a few groups, I realized that I needed to give one more a shot.


Enter CoSchedule.

I loved how intuitive the dashboard was and how easy it was to set up my first social campaign.


After setting up my Twitter, Facebook page, and Google+, I was ready to go.

CoSchedule from Garrett Moon on Vimeo.

With CoSchedule, you can plan out months at a time. And with the new ReQueue feature, CoSchedule will help you fill in the gaps. That’s not to mention all of the free resources and templates that are available.


If you’re a Google Chrome user, don’t forget to check out the CoSchedule extension. Now, I admit to being more of a FireFox gal, but I certainly wouldn’t mind using Chrome to access CoSchedule.

CoSchedule also has a plugin for WordPress users that integrates nicely into your WordPress dashboard.


I prefer to actually use CoSchedule outside of WordPress, but that’s also from an effort to ditch plugins.

CoSchedule is also great to use if you have more than one person on your blogging team. I’m still a one woman show but if I should get to that point, I’ll definitely get my team on board with this.

One of my favorite features? CoSchedule helps you take out some of the guesswork when it comes to figuring out how well a social media post is performing.


I love analytics and having data to look at because it helps me figure out a better plan. Now I can access this for my social media easily and further create my social media strategy.

I was already on the CoSchedule newsletter list but that was more so I could access the free library of stuff. It hadn’t really clicked yet that maybe I should give the actual program a try. But I’m glad that I did.

CoSchedule is my choice for creating a simplified social media strategy.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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8 years ago

Thanks for the great review! Our team really appreciates it!