5 Things Remote Work Will Teach You About Your Home

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If you’re one of the millions of people who have had to work from home for the first time, welcome to the party! As you’re learning how to make the transition, you probably won’t notice much other than the fact that it’s not a walk in the park. Sure, you’re the boss (sort of), but it’s not as if you get to slack off.

The atmosphere is less toxic and competitive, yet that’s part of the problem – you’re falling into a false sense of security! Still, needs must at the moment. Plus, the current health crisis isn’t all bad because remote work will teach you a lot about your property.

That may seem low on your list of priorities at the moment for obvious reasons, but it’s surprising how it can impact your life. Whether it’s a better balance between life and the office or smoothing out infuriating quirks, you stand to gain a lot from your new routine.

Here are five of them for your information. Hopefully, none of the following will be too daunting or close to the bone!

Your Decor Is Distracting

You may love the way your decor looks, but it can be very distracting at critical moments during the day. Take the lighting as an example. One minute, you love the fact that the house is bright and airy, and the next you can’t see your laptop screen because of the glare. And, this isn’t the only interruption.

From the TV in every room to the smart speaker that turns itself on without instruction, these distractions are bound to ruin your productivity levels. By the time you’ve figured out what’s going on and a solution, your train of thought is lost. It happens to everybody, which is why it may be necessary to switch up your house’s style.

Blinds enable you to control the sunlight, boosting your mood, without the need for a dark, dingy atmosphere created by blackout curtains. If you can’t resist switching on the television, the office should be a screen-free environment.

The Internet Is Slow

WiFi routers have revolutionized the way employers and employees work. A decade ago, remote-based environments weren’t a thing because the technology didn’t exist. Therefore, you should thank your router for improving your life-work balance. Still, the tech isn’t foolproof, as you’re realizing now that you’re housebound.

From dropouts to full-blown disconnection, losing your internet connection is terrible for several reasons. Yes, there’s output, but at least you can catch up with the tasks later on in the day. There’s nothing you can do when your screen freezes during an essential business video meeting. Not only is it unproductive and annoying, but it’s also unprofessional.

Thankfully, troubleshooting hacks are accessible no matter your level of tech knowledge. As cliche as it sounds, turning the router off and on again is effective! Moving your device closer to the router is a useful hack, too. Should all else fail, it could be time to double-check your contract and move to a reliable provider. At the very least, you should call the company and ask them to look into the issue.

The House Is Too Small

Are there four people fighting for the bathroom at the same time each morning? Are you tripping over yourself to cook food on your lunch break? Sorry, but these are telltale signs your house isn’t equipped for remote workers. Well, not if all the occupants are off simultaneously.

It’s tempting to assume the problem will work itself out when society goes back to normal. However, this isn’t guaranteed. Life could change dramatically, and going into the office may be a privilege rather than a rite of passage. In this case, a renovation is in order. A shower remodel or kitchen extension will not only prevent family arguments – they’ll ensure you’re not late for work. Considering your commute isn’t long, there’s no excuse to miss your login deadline and risk the wrath of the bosses.

Other than that, you’ll have to learn how to deal with a lack of floor space. The best thing to do is to synchronize your routines so that you’re doing different things during the day. Then, everyone should have enough time and room to maneuver.

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You’re Going Stir Crazy

Unfortunately, spending too much time at home will cause you to experience feelings of anxiety and tension. They could be as run-of-the-mill as boredom, yet that still counts. Anything that contributes to your uneasiness or uncomfortable nature will have an effect.

The conditions dictate how much time you have to stay at home mostly. Lockdown means you should stick to the rules to stay safe. Thankfully, there are opportunities to get out and take a break from the confines of your property. Sure, this means exercising more than normal, which isn’t ideal, but at least it relieves stress. Also, you can take part in low-intensity workouts to avoid burnout.

Other than that, you may have to go to the supermarket and take the dog out for a walk to enjoy the fresh air. Whatever you do, it’s vital to keep a positive mental attitude as this will allow you to savor the small things and come back to your home office refreshed and energized.

You Must Unplug

Worryingly, home-based employees spend more than forty hours grinding out tasks. Typically, this is since the boundaries between the office and your house are blurred. Compared to on-site people, you’re 43% more likely to work longer days over a single year.

That’s a lot of hours and proves why it’s vital to unplug. Those that don’t suffer from stress and burnout and begin to hate the daily grind. The trick is not to answer emails or messages after a specific time. In fact, you should power down your devices and do something else.

Aside from ensuring you’re not tempted to work, reduced screen time is healthy for the eyes and your sleep patterns.

What are you learning about your home and yourself now that you’re not in the office?

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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