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Many people have been working from home for quite some time now. However, without the comforts of the office, it has been difficult to make sure that we are all working in a comfortable and supportive environment. Working from your dining room table is very different from working at a more comfortable and ergonomic desk and chair like you would have at work. The good news is that there are a range of different things that can be done to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible. If you’re struggling with working from home, then hopefully, these tips can help.



Raise your laptop

In an office setting you may have a desk that can be adjusted to your height or a larger computer screen to work from, rather than only using the laptop screen. When you’re at home and only using a laptop, it can be difficult to be as comfortable as the chances are the desk isn’t adjustable and you may feel hunched over a small laptop screen. One thing that makes a difference is raising your laptop so that you aren’t hunched over. If you do this for a while then it can lead to some pretty bad back problems. You can get specific laptop raisers, as well as making do with what you can come up with at home. It will make a difference, though.


Try working standing up

If you have a tall work surface or something like a breakfast bar, then that can be great to use from time to time. Working standing up can be good for your health, and help your posture if you’re normally sitting at a desk. You could even use something like an ironing board to work standing up, if you want to take a break from sitting or take a video call with a difference. 


Get ergonomic help

As has been mentioned, you might be used to an ergonomic desk chair and desk when in the office. If these aren’t possible to have at home, then you could at least think about getting some items to help, such as looking for the best ergonomic mice to make working on a laptop easier, or perhaps ergonomic footrests and armrests that can make sitting more comfortable. Long term, items like this can make a big difference to your posture and to your overall health. 


Walk when you’re on a call

Working from home can often mean that you work more hours than you normally would, as there is no commute to have to endure. As a result, it can mean that your chance to move and exercise can be reduced, and over time, being this sedentary can be very bad for your health. One thing that you could do is to walk around when you are on phone calls. This could be just pacing in the home or taking a walk outside to get some fresh air. It helps get your step count up and can be a much needed break away from the desk.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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