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Are you thinking about putting your home up on the market? If so, then you likely have a couple of goals in mind. First, you probably want to ensure that your home sells for the right price. Next, it will be important to make sure that it sells fast. This means that you do need to get the right interest from buyers. On a competitive or dead market, that isn’t always easy. You’re going to need to make sure that you do take the right steps here. This includes pinpointing the issues that could stop a sale from being successful. Here are some of the issues that you might need to contend with around your home. 

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Damp And Flooding


It is possible that you have recently noticed that there is dampness or flooding in your basement. You might assume that because the basement is a throwaway room in your home buyers will be willing to forgive this but that’s not the case. Instead, it’s possible that it could turn them off completely and cause the value of your home to drop through the floor. One of the ways to handle this is going to be figuring out the cause of the flooring. Usually, this is going to be tied to a drainage issue in your garden. For instance, it’s possible that your garden doesn’t have a drainage system and your soil isn’t permeable. If that’s the case, then water is going to sit underneath the ground once it rains, pushing against the foundations. This will cause your basement to develop puddles and dampness. 


One of the ways that you can fix this is with a french drain installation. This will ensure that the water flows away from your garden as it should. You should also have a working sump pump. Sump pumps are so important for basement owners that most insurance companies will refuse to provide flooding damage coverage for your home if you don’t have one. 


Pest Problems 


You might think that pests in your home are a fact of life, particularly through the summer months and you’d be right. If it’s one or two then a buyer won’t care about this and you can probably get rid of them before a viewing. But what if you have an infestation? This becomes a more serious problem and it can put a stop to a property sale that you might need. One of the ways to handle this is to make sure that you do think about finding out what pest you have. Sometimes, this is going to be obvious. For instance, if you notice small black oval things on your floor that look like seeds, then you have a fly problem. These fly larvae will hatch quickly and the flies will gather around the door trying to get out. 


Other pests are a little more difficult to pinpoint. That’s why you should make sure that you hire a pest exterminator if you notice signs of droppings or skins. Remember, you might think that you can deal with this issue yourself. But there are likely a lot of pests once you notice the signs. So, it’s best to call in the experts. 


Curb Appeal

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When you are selling a home on the market, it’s important to understand the impact of a first impression. The right first impression will mean that you have no problems selling your property on the market or at the very least, getting the views you need early on in this process. Don’t forget that most buyers are looking for their dream home or even their forever home. They aren’t going to settle for anything much less than perfect. So what impacts your level of curb appeal? 


Well, you should definitely think about the front door? This is going to stand out as a key part of your home. It’s possible that your front door has seen better days. If that’s the case, then you might want to sand it down and give it a brand new finish. You could also consider changing the garage door which takes up a massive surface area of your home. You can think about replacing the garage doors but this is always going to be expensive. Instead, you should just consider giving them a fresh lick of paint to guarantee that they do look great as part of your home. 


Then there’s the garden. We have already mentioned one of the problems that you can have with your garden which is flooding. The general process here should include guaranteeing that your garden looks neat rather than seeming like a lot of work for a potential buyer. 


Roofing Concerns


Finally, do make sure that you are thinking about the roof when you are preparing your home for the market. Without the right standard of roof you are going to turn buyers off immediately. Contrary to popular belief, buyers will notice the roof and they do care what it looks like. They want to make sure that the roof isn’t going to cause any issues and it doesn’t have to. One of the ways that you can handle this is by getting your roof inspected by a professional. They will let you know if there are any problems that do need to be rectified. 


You should also think about completing the repairs the right way. It’s important that you can find a roofing contractor that you can trust. Make sure that you explore a few quotes and reviews before selecting a company to complete the work necessary on your roof. 


We hope this helps you understand some of the steps that you will need to take to ensure that your home is going to sell for the right price on the market. By understanding the right steps here, you can guarantee that you do get the fast sale that you want and for the right price. If you prepare your home the right way, you could even have the perfect recipe for an exciting bidding war on your home. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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