Up Your Insta Food Photo Game

Up Your Insta Food Photo Game

The best camera you have is the one that you use the most. And while it might seem that Instagram is heaving with professional photos taken with a top-of-the-line DSLR – most of them aren’t. Your mobile phone, in most cases, can produce stunning food photos.  Here are some quick tips to take your food photos from a blurry mess to a beautiful dish.  Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash Grid setting Your phone has a grid setting, and this setting will help you to use the rule of thirds. You can use it to make sure your lines are straight, that you have equal spacing. For an Android/Galaxy you can check the settings in your photos, an iPhone has the grid on a toggle. …

Freelancing Essentials: The 3 Things You Need

Freelancing Essentials: The 3 Things You Need

The job losses associated with the seemingly never-ending Coronavirus pandemic has seen many people starting up a side hustle at home, or even going full throttle and starting up a business. Freelancing is becoming an increasingly popular option; you can do it around your current job and commitments, or you can do it full time. However, freelancing is not easy. Of course it isn’t; if it were, everyone would be doing it! It is something that can very easily become more than a job, taking over your life and consuming your every waking moment as you try to be the very best and make as much money as you can. If you are ill, you either power through and get on with it, or you…

Three Ways Working Moms Can Better Balance Work and Family

There are more moms than ever in the workforce. According to recent statistics, women make up half of all employees in the US, with four in ten homes in the country having a working mom. Being a mom that works full-time can lead to some feelings of guilt, as well as a lot of stress, as there are still things that you have to do once your day job has finished. Getting the balance between work and family can be tricky. The key to it is to focus on a plan, make sure that you get organized, and then find the right balance that works for you, between your profession and parenthood. With that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can…

Home Upgrades That Every Home Worker Should Make ASAP

Credit: Pixabay CC0 License If you’ve suddenly found yourself working from home on a more frequent basis, you are not alone. While you’ve done well to adjust to a new way of living, you cannot afford to let work life ruin your home life. It’s not fair on you, and it’s certainly not fair on your family. Completing the necessary home upgrade projects is the only way to regain control of the situation. Here are some of the things you need to establish ASAP. A Designated Workspace Working from the bed or sofa was fine when it looked as though this would be a temporary measure. Now that remote working is here to stay, it’s essential that you have a designated home office. Whether you’re…

Dealing With Some Of The Home Office’s Most Surprising Distractions

The home office is a room that is designed with a specific intent and purpose: to facilitate your ability to get your work done at home in a productive and stress-free way. However, that can be difficult if there are distractions hanging over your shoulder or just out of the corner of your eye. If you find yourself finding it difficult to focus on your work, these distractions might be at the root of it all. Credit – Pixabay License The importance of a tidy desk One of the biggest factors related to distraction in the workplace is clutter. If we see a mess just outside the corner of our eye, then it can be pretty hard to avoid looking at it and thinking about…

Costs To Start Cutting Now You’re Working From Home

Costs To Start Cutting Now You’re Working From Home

Compared to the average commute, working from home can help you save a ton of money. If you’re running a business from home, then you stand to save even more. However, as a result, you can see certain household bills and other fees starting to skyrocket. It might not be as much as the average commuter’s transport fees, but there are ways to help you cut down those costs. Here, we’re going to look at what you can start saving on. Link – Pixabay License Going paperless A lot of people still prefer having all of their work documents available in physical form, so that they can organize them and simply grab them when they need them. However, the are plenty of Cloud storage options…