It’s Time to Get Organized when Working from Home

It’s Time to Get Organized when Working from Home

Working remotely can be very rewarding to say the least, but it’s so important that you keep your productivity up. It’s important that you keep a good work-life balance and that you also do whatever you can to try and nurture your business relationships too. If you want some help with that then simply take a look below. Maintain Regular Hours It’s super important that you are able to set a schedule and that you stick to it. You need to have clear guidelines for when you work and when you don’t. So many people find it almost impossible to work normal hours when they are remote and this is understandable, but you do need to put in the effort to make sure that you…

Quick Ways To Improve Your Home Office Environment

Quick Ways To Improve Your Home Office Environment

If you work from home (which, let’s face it, is most of us now), you need a killer home office. Creating one that fits the bill, however, is a challenge. Ideally, you want to create a space that allows you to be more productive than if you were in the regular office.  That might sound like a tall order, but the data on the subject is quite rosy. According to a FlexJobs report conducted a couple of months ago, 65 percent of people said that they were more productive at home than at the office.  The question, of course, is “why?” Partly, it has to do with the fact that colleagues can’t just come up to you and interrupt you when you’re at home. (Kids…

5 Things Remote Work Will Teach You About Your Home

5 Things Remote Work Will Teach You About Your Home

Pexels – CC0 Licence If you’re one of the millions of people who have had to work from home for the first time, welcome to the party! As you’re learning how to make the transition, you probably won’t notice much other than the fact that it’s not a walk in the park. Sure, you’re the boss (sort of), but it’s not as if you get to slack off. The atmosphere is less toxic and competitive, yet that’s part of the problem – you’re falling into a false sense of security! Still, needs must at the moment. Plus, the current health crisis isn’t all bad because remote work will teach you a lot about your property. That may seem low on your list of priorities at…

Not Getting Work Done At Home? Here’s Where You Could Be Going Wrong

Not Getting Work Done At Home? Here’s Where You Could Be Going Wrong

If you’re working from home during the lockdown but you don’t seem to be getting anything done, there will likely be a few main reasons for this that are easy to remedy. Working from home is an entirely different kettle of fish when compared to working in an office. For one thing, your mind associates home with a completely different set of tasks and different feelings – so this is why you may often find yourself procrastinating, struggling to motivate yourself, and feeling uninspired. If you need to make sure you get more done from this day forward, read on to find out where you could be going wrong and what you can do to fix it: credit Not Having A Room Dedicated To Working…

How To Give Your Home Business A More Professional Feel

How To Give Your Home Business A More Professional Feel

If there’s one thing that puts a business in a position of failure, it’s when that business lacks professionalism. Many home-based business owners don’t realize it but their businesses are not being run in a professional way, which has an impact on their success within the industry.  You might be under the misconception that all you need to start a business is a website and a concept, but that isn’t the case. Yes, these two things will get your business started but they won’t guarantee your success. If you want to achieve success, you need to be willing to put in the time, effort and hard work, and ensure that from the get-go you are taking the right approach to your business.  The issue is…

Productivity Tips & Tools For Working From Home

Productivity Tips & Tools For Working From Home

pexels As the years go by, working from home has become increasingly commonplace, much due to the advent of technology. Now that we are amid a global pandemic, it’s become mandatory for the vast majority of businesses. This means, if you’re already set up remotely, you’re somewhat ahead of the game! Even if you haven’t started your remote business yet, it’s not too late to set yourself the exciting challenge. To succeed as a remote entrepreneur or a remote freelancer, it’s important to have strategies in place to keep your productivity levels up. To help you on your journey, these tips and tools are great resources of support. 1 . Todoist Todoist is a popular ‘to-do’ app to help users boost productivity and stay organized….