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Though I am now perfectly content to be a stay at home mom and looking into other options as a work at home mom (since the professional blogger title is one that I’m growing into), I’ve sometimes thought about looking for a job outside of the home. Before Squeaker was born, I worked in retail and prior to that I worked in a daycare setting, and prior to that I worked in retail. Before that I was a stay at home mom with Sweet B. So between my stints as a stay at home mom, I’ve worked outside of the home. The biggest gap was after Sweet B was born as I was out of the workforce from the time she was 6 months old to around the time she turned 10. I had done some volunteer work at the local hospital, but I wanted a little something more. This was around October of 2010, so it was also around the time that many retailers were starting to hire for seasonal work. To me, it seemed like the optimal time to get back into the workforce, even if it was only going to be seasonal.

Are you a stay at home mom looking to reenter the workforce or maybe enter the workforce for the first time? Consider looking for seasonal work to help with the transition.

As a stay at home mom, I was unsure of where to start when it came to seasonal work. I knew that retail was a decent place to start, especially with all of the shops at the mall hiring. And since my first job was in retail, I figured that I would give it a shot. Even if I hadn’t been in the paid workforce for a significant amount of time, I felt that I still had enough experience under my belt to go out and apply.

So apply I did.

The first bit of advice that I can offer when it comes to looking for seasonal work, is to apply everywhere. If you feel that you would be a good fit for the position, apply for it. Don’t hold back because you’re unsure or uncertain of yourself. The worse that could happen is that you won’t hear back. And that’s fine. Just move on to the next opportunity.

It’s the time of year that many companies are looking to hire for seasonal employment and who knows, that seasonal job just may lead to your next career opportunity.

Or, at the very least, it will give you a bit of something more for your resume should you decide to look for a job elsewhere.

And if you’re concerned that you don’t have any work experience just because you’re a stay at home mom; think again.

Sure, it may not be official on paper but you do a lot as a stay at home mom or stay at home spouse. Or, if you’re a blogger, you also do a lot.

Don’t shortchange yourself and take a close look at everything that you do during the day.

You organize schedules, plan meals, manage household finances, housework, etc. There really is a lot that you do. And as a blogger, think of how much you do on a daily basis. How often do you compose e-mails, manage social media, network, and edit?

Just because others may not view blogging as a viable job, does not mean that you aren’t doing work.

The same goes with being a stay at home mom. Sure, we don’t have an actual paycheck and we may not have true working hours; but we do work.

However, if you are still wanting something more, take advantage of all of the opportunities that are coming up with seasonal work. It may just be the start that you need to get into the workforce.

And even if it doesn’t last past the season, think of it this way: you’ve at least managed to get a little money from your newfound job.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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