How To Handle Diabetes in Children

How To Handle Diabetes in Children

Finding out that your child has diabetes can be life changing. I haven’t experienced it personally, but I did grow up with several friends who had diabetes and I’ve met several parents of diabetic children. I know it’s something that is life changing, whether it’s Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes that the child is dealing with. So, this post is about how to handle diabetes in children… even though I don’t have a child with diabetes, I felt that it would be important to get that information out there in the special needs parenting aspect. I am not a medical professional and any advice given here should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes. Please consult with your child’s regular pediatrician. Type 1…

How To Start A Container Garden

When it comes to growing flowers, I do not have a green thumb. But, I do remember taking care of some vegetables with my mom when I was younger, so that’s why this year I thought it might be fun to start a vegetable garden. We started most of our garden from seeds, which was an adventure in itself, and after evaluating the backyard I realized I would need to do a raised bed or start a container garden. Maybe next year, we’ll try the raised bed or a shelf system for some herbs but this year we’re starting a container garden and this is how we went about it. How to Set Up a Container Garden in Limited Space One of the first things…

How I’m Preparing To Homeschool My Toddler

How I’m Preparing To Homeschool My Toddler

After Squeaker was born, the decision was made that I would stay at home with her. Partially because we couldn’t afford daycare or a babysitter but mostly because it was something I wanted to do. Later on, I started wondering if homeschooling would be in our future as well. And, at the very least, we would homeschool preschool and pre-K, with Kindergarten as a possibility as well. We might go beyond that but we haven’t decided 100% just yet. Squeaker is 17 months old as of this post so here’s how I’m preparing to homeschool my toddler. This post makes use of affiliate links, by making a purchase you are helping me help my family Making the Decision to Homeschool My Toddler Years ago, if…

30 Healthy Cooking Tips to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

30 Healthy Cooking Tips to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

We used to make a lot of unhealthy eating choices when my ex and I were still together. But that’s mostly in the past now. Kyle and I have always enjoyed cooking together and we prepare 95% of our meals, the exceptions being when his boys are here on the weekends. But we still try to cook from scratch as often as possible. I like knowing what’s going into my meals and here are some healthy cooking tips that I’d love to share with you. Making healthier food choices can go a long way when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle and healthy cooking can save you time too. Be sure to check out my health and wellness tips for moms for more healthy…


4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

As parents, we want our children to be happy, confident, and sure of themselves. And doing so, starts at home with a nurturing and loving environment. But how does one go about boosting their child’s self esteem? Is it just a matter of praise and and fostering a strong sense of self confidence? Or does it go beyond that? How do we boost our child’s self esteem without them seeming too self centered or cocky? Where is the line between a self confident child and a child who boasts? And is there really a difference between a self confident child and a cocky child? Like many things in parenting, this takes time and steps. They may not always notice the things that you’re doing but…

Is Sugar Really Bad For You?

Though we’ve briefly touched about reducing your sugar intake, we haven’t really gotten into why you should do it. Or at least not in depth. So is sugar really bad for you? Or is it more about quality over quantity? Today we’re going to look into just that and also see why reducing your sugar intake can help you lead a healthier lifestyle. What is sugar? Sugar is the generalized name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates that are often used in food.  These carbohydrates are made up of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.  There are many different types of sugars, derived  from different sources.  There are simple sugars, including galactose, fructose, and glucose (also known as dextrose), and more complex sugars known as disaccharides. The sugar…