How To Find Organic Cleaning Solutions

In our own journey towards a more natural lifestyle, that includes the cleaning products that we use. We’re trying our best to cut down on cleaning products that use harsh chemicals- both to benefit our family and the environment. But how do you find organic cleaning solutions? And for that matter, how do you find organic cleaning solutions on a budget? Buying organic cleaning products can be expensive, but it doesn’t always have to be. Today we’re going to talk about organic cleaning solutions and be on the lookout for our follow up posts where we talk about making your own organic cleaning products. Organic products may not be for everyone, but they are the choice for us. Organic cleaning supplies will often have plant…

Budget Friendly Date Ideas

Budget Friendly Date Ideas

This was touched upon briefly during my Valentine’s Day series, but I wanted to talk again about budget friendly date ideas. Why? Because it’s important to keep the romance going in your relationship. And contrary to popular belief, you do not have to break the bank to impress. I don’t think you should have to either.. and I have never expected much. I don’t want all of that, anyway. Flowers die and I don’t really wear jewelry. There are plenty of ways to show someone that you love them without spending money. Similarly, there are plenty of ways to go on a date without having to take out a small loan. Here are a few budget friendly date ideas to consider. Dating used to be…

Is Your Toddler Sleeping Enough?

Is Your Toddler Sleeping Enough?

When she was just on the cusp of 6 months, Squeaker stopped sleeping through the night. She had just started passive teething so I’m fairly certain that had a lot to do with it. She was also still exclusively breastfeeding and I’m sure that played a large part as well. But then as she started to transition to being a curious toddler; her sleep patterns remained almost the same. She was taking two naps a day but she still wasn’t sleeping through the night. I admit, this is probably our fault as well for not establishing a bedtime routine with her… something that I’ll get into later. If we were really and truly concerned about this, I would bring it up with her pediatrician. For…

Building Confidence In Shy Children

Building Confidence In Shy Children

This is a guest post as a part of a book tour for Raising The Shy Child 5 Tips for Building Confidence in Shy and Anxious Children Shy and anxious children can be triggered by a large range of things—school performance, play dates, even going to an unfamiliar environment can trigger an anxiety. Building confidence in your child is one of the best ways to mitigate anxiety in the anxious and shy child. The tips below can help you set your child up for success in the world, and build his or her confidence as: 1. Give the child a job. Few things build confidence more than being given responsibility and executing them successfully. Set your child up for success by clearly explaining both what…

Tips for Managing Student Loans

Tips for Managing Student Loans

Student loan debt is often unavoidable for any college student. One of the issues, however, comes after you’ve graduated and you find yourself staring student loan debt in the face. The pressure is on to find a decent paying job. But, if you’re smart about managing your student loans debt, it may not be as difficult as you think. Expenses add up quickly and often without us realizing it. From books and everyday necessities to tuition; college is expensive. Before you consider a student loan, don’t forget that there are several free options for finding money for college. You’ll also want to avoid defaulting on your student loans, just so you don’t have that hanging around on your credit history. You can take a look…

Why Sleep Is Important for Your Overall Health

Why Sleep Is Important for Your Overall Health

We’ve always heard about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, but do we have any idea as to why sleep is important? Sure, in the past, I’ve pulled an all nighter… at one point, I had a stretch where I didn’t sleep for 72 hours straight- and that was before having kids. But why is sleep so important for our over all health? Does getting a good night’s sleep really make that much of a difference? In short, yes- it makes a huge difference. According to medical experts, adults require between seven and a half and nine hours of sleep per night. Children and teenagers, on the other hand, require a lot more sleep than adults do. In fact, newborns and babies age…