Easy Bathroom Organization Tips

One of the most used common rooms in many households is the bathroom. Because of this, sometimes it’s easy for a bathroom to get cluttered and messy with every day use. One way to help combat this is by having a more organized bathroom with these easy bathroom organization tips. And for an uninspired homemaker like me, easy tips are always some of my favorite tips. One area to start with is the counter top if you have one. Bins can be used to hold personal items like toothpaste, hairbrushes, combs, etc. And you can easily have one bin per family member for storage purposes. By storing these items underneath the counter in cabinets, you can also keep them out of sight when they aren’t…

7 Tips to Try to Prevent Your Toddler From Hitting

7 Tips to Try to Prevent Your Toddler From Hitting

Toddlers are full of surprises. Chances are one day, if it hasn’t happened already, your precious little love bug is going to haul off and hit someone. It might even be you. All of a sudden your delightful child has become a boxer in training.  Don’t be too surprised when it happens. It’s normal and will happen with most toddlers. Here’s how to stop your toddler from hitting. 7 Tips for How to Stop Your Toddler From Hitting 1- Don’t make it a game. Almost all toddlers hit. They don’t have the communication tools they need to express themselves, and eventually frustration or even curiosity will turn into a hit. When they hit someone, whether it is an adult or a child, immediate action is…

Mommy Camp for Toddlers: Numbers

Welcome back to another week of Mommy Camp for Toddlers! This week, we’re going to focus on numbers. Learning about numbers, much like the alphabet, takes place in the every day situations. For example, something as simple as counting cheerios or just reciting numbers 1-10 or 1-20 or 1-5 … can have a lasting impact and form a solid foundation. But, the point with mommy camp is to keep it informal and let learning happen as it will. Don’t try to force any of this and when your toddler is showing signs of boredom, take a break or stop all together. Is there a right or wrong time to introduce numbers? I say no because it’s like any learning opportunity. It doesn’t have to happen…

20+ Crockpot Meatball Recipes

In my continued quest for easy meatball recipes, I can’t overlook one of my most favorite kitchen appliances- the crockpot. Some call it a slow cooker, some call it a crockpot. Call it what you will, but this has become one of my most favorite ways to prepare meals. Especially when all I have to do is toss in my ingredients, set the heat, and walk away. That’s why I’ve gathered over 20 crockpot meatball recipes for you to try with your family. I’m sure that we’ll try a few of these in the future as I see some that are definitely up our alley. I’m sure we’ll try the basic spaghetti and meatballs at some point, but I’d really love to see how those…

Freebie Friday: Creation Story for Toddlers

Picking up where we left off last week with the Apostle’s Creed for Toddlers, today’s pack is all about The Creation Story (as told in the KJV version)- making this the second in our series of Christian Printable Packs for Kids. Most of the packs, like today’s, will be Bible story based and others, like last week’s, will be more of a concept or important tenant of faith. We’ll continue to work our way through the Old Testament and then cover some New Testament. I’m also hoping to have all the packs bundled together into one big download. The download will include a few exclusive extras and be available to purchase for a very small fee. This pack is on the longer side in terms…

Natural Fingerpainting with Blackberries

We have a wild blackberry bush in our backyard and every summer, I look forward to picking fresh blackberries. Usually they never make it into the house because I can’t wait to eat them. Today, Squeaker decided she was going to “help” me pick some of the berries. And aside from the occasional red berry, she did quite well with plucking them off the bush. Now, while I love blackberries, Squeaker isn’t a fan. So she tends to just smash them in her hands. Once I saw how vibrant the purple hue was on her fingers, I grabbed her and ran back into the house for some cardstock to do natural fingerpainting with blackberries on the deck. Squeaker, at times, has been a little squeamish…