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Why and How to Repurpose Your Blog Content

Creating a new blog post daily can be time consuming and difficult.

We are all aware that Google rewards fresh content, but did you know that refreshing your old posts can also help you? Not only can you drive new traffic to your website, but you can spend less time on new content since your old content will be performing well.


You can repurpose your old blog posts to make them fresh without a lot of time or trouble.

Why would you want to do this? Well, time is one. Creating a brand new blog post requires an idea, photography, an article, editing, as well as the time to share it on social media. When you rework an older blog post, it does not take nearly as much time.

Here are a few ideas that successful bloggers are using to create more traffic without having to make totally new content.

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content

Create Pinterest-friendly images. Use Canva’s Pinterest template to add a vertical image that is perfect for pinning. Many of us started blogging before Pinterest existed, so our older posts may not have high quality images. Set aside time each month to refresh the images on a few posts.

Rework your titles. If you have a post that you think is fabulous but is not performing well, perhaps it just needs a new title. Use CoSchedule’s headline analyzer to create something that is both SEO-friendly and eye catching.

Add links. I try to do this seasonally since I usually forget to add links the first time I publish an article. As you are updating a blog post, add relevant links to your blog. This will help increase the average amount of time someone is on your site. I also add linked images to the end of a blog post linking to three similar articles.

Improve readability. Spend time to improve how a blog post appears to your readers with paragraph breaks and sub-headers. Be sure to use H1 and H2 tags for SEO purposes and add bulleted lists to make a stale blog post more enjoyable (and easier!) to read.

Lengthen shorter posts. While there is much debate on whether shorter blog posts or longer blog posts are more popular, it is a good idea to lengthen posts that are too short. Maybe you were a product reviewer in the past and only wrote one paragraph with one image or you shared stories about your weekend without any photos or full descriptions of what you did. This is a free tactic that can help generate more traffic. Give readers something to actually read.

While you are writing more to short posts, you can also combine similar articles into an ebook to share with your email list.

Add Amazon links. If you are on WordPress, download a plug in like Amazon Related Products. A simple shortcode can add related products automatically to your blog post wherever you add the code.

Record a podcast or go live. Since blog followers consume information in different ways, you can repurpose blog posts as an audio podcast or you can go live on Facebook or Periscope and share the content that way too.

Don’t forget to share your most popular blog posts on social media once a month. It doesn’t matter how old they are as long as they are relevant. Your most popular posts rank well for a reason. Make sure your top 10 (or even 20!) posts are shared across all your platforms once a month.
This guest post was provided as a courtesy from the Bloggers Get Social group. We are a blog network, podcast, and community for content solutions. Join us today for creative content, accountability, and learn how to blog better.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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8 years ago

Great tips – I do need to go back and add links (and update links) in some of my posts and get better at Pinterest

8 years ago

There are some great tips here. I need to do more of this but with 900 posts it gets overwhelming.

8 years ago

This is awesome, I have definitely noticed that when I update my old posts I get more traffic to those! I will be looking at implementing some of these ideas too! I hadn’t thought about lengthening old posts.

Rebecca Bryant
8 years ago

thank you for this awesome information. i really needed it to help me.

Rachel Langer
8 years ago

I am so guilty of spending so much time on my posts, then I publish, promote, and leave it. I need to show those awesome posts some love again!

Tayler Morrell
8 years ago

I have a ton of old posts from before when I tried to be a serious blogger–I should use some of these ideas for that!

8 years ago

Thanks for the tips, it is totally something to think about – There is always so much to do!!

Felicita Moncada
8 years ago

I really need to do this! I have some old post that would do so much better if they had updated pics .

Amanda Love
8 years ago

Those are great ideas! There are definitely plenty of ways to repurpose old content to make it new again and to gain more traffic as well. These are so helpful.

8 years ago

My blog is old and I need to spend more time to repurpose it. I have posted a lot of small photos in the past and I need to change them.

Dana Vento
Dana Vento
8 years ago

Good advice. I have a lot to do with my blog and I need more time to repurpose my blog, I have a few wrong links in a few post.

8 years ago

Really fantastic tips. As a new blogger, I’m always looking for resources and advice to get moving. It’s been really helpful reviewing my first posts and updating them a little here and there. Thanks for sharing!

Ana De- Jesus
8 years ago

What a great checklist, I try and create pinnable images but Wix is hard to work with. I need to migrate to WordPress at some point.

8 years ago

I love these tips so much! I need to go back through all of my old blog posts and do these things.

Terri Steffes
8 years ago

I’m loving all the tips. I have some great older posts but need new life. Mostly just pinnable images. I will definitely try this. I agree about readability. I need paragraphs!

Taylor Mobley
8 years ago

I just did this not to long ago with some of my very first blog posts (eeeeek!) and added pinterest friendly images and links. My blog sure has come a long way since then LOL Thanks for these ideas, I still need to rework some old titles.

8 years ago

I definitely need to go back and add some links and H2 tags in some of my older posts. Thanks for the tips and reminding me that it isn’t all about new content creation.

8 years ago

I’ve been going through all my old posts lately and revamping them! It’s been nice because I have so many old posts that had great ideas, but need work 🙂

8 years ago

I always panic when I need to come up with new blog content. I need to start recycling my content since I’m going to be so busy with a baby.

Jena Proctor
8 years ago

These are such great tips. Nothing is complicated or terribly time consuming. I am so surprised about how big Pinterest is is blogging, I need to step up my game!

8 years ago

Love these tips!!! When we started, we obviously didn’t have much content to link back to, but now we have tons. It’d be a great practice to go back and revisit some of our older posts. Thanks for the advice!

Krystel @ Planning The Magic
8 years ago

Love this, I do this all the time. In fact – I feel like I do this too much. Just think of all the content we have that isn’t our best work!

Blythe Alpern
8 years ago

Repurposing content on a beauty blog is a real challenge, especially with limited edition releases. But I could see how you could add something to tips and tricks, or to posts that feature favorites.

8 years ago

These are fantastic ideas for repurposing old posts. I love the idea of adding a podcast to refresh an old post. I need to go back and add the links to posts where I forgot or made new material that is now relevant. Thanks for the tips.

8 years ago

I have a few blog posts that could use some repurposing. I so need to work on some images I used for Pinterest from when I first started blogging!

Cara (@StylishGeek)
8 years ago

One of the ways I repurpose my content is when I make blogfomercial…since videos are so in now! I also try to come up with a quarterly magazine of my posts. Thanks for your cool ideas!

Megan mccoig
Megan mccoig
8 years ago

Back links are a nightmare. I really love these tips, they are super useful and in redesiginf my blog soon.

8 years ago

Great suggestions!!!! I have been slowly updating my content from my newbie days! It’s definitely taking longer that I thought it would, but it’s definitely worth it!

Reesa Lewandowski
Reesa Lewandowski
8 years ago

I never would have thought to just go back and change the title of a post that I thought was awesome. Maybe different results with a new title. Great advice!