4 Steps You Can Take To Boost Your Child’s Development

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It’s fair to say that most areas of child development will come along naturally. However, it’s also worth taking some extra steps to boost their development. As a parent, you will have numerous opportunities to propel your child’s development forward and ensure that they are prepared for school life. 

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Read A Book

First, you can think about encouraging your child to read a new book each week or month. From an early age, you can read a book to them, and then as they develop they can learn to follow along with you as you read in front of them. As they grow, it’s important to keep reading with them so that they can develop their skill in this area outside of school. The aim will be to ensure that they are given the tools that they need for solo reading as they get older and that this becomes something that they actively enjoy. 

Choose The Right Nursery 

You do need to make sure that you choose the right nursery or daycare for your child. The right daycare will guarantee that your kids are able to gain the support they need from an early age in lots of different tasks and activities. It will ensure that they have the right structure around them for healthy development and guarantee that they are encouraged to interact with other children around them. It is worth exploring a few different nurseries before settling on the right one for your child. It needs to provide the right fit. 

Get Them Engaged In Sports 

Socialization will always be key to a child’s development. Choosing the right nursery for early development is just one part of the puzzle. You should also make sure that you are working to get your kids interested and involved in different sports. Sports play will teach your kids how to be part of a team and work with other kids to complete shared goals. This is going to help them early on in school as well as later in life. It’s no secret that colleges are often interested in recruiting children who have a history of playing sports from an early age. 

Sing A Song  

Finally, you might want to think about singing with your children. Experts suggest that children who know eight or more nursery rhymes by the time they are four are typically the best at reading and spelling once they reach school. Of course, this isn’t the only research that shows the benefits of music. Studies have proven that teaching a child to play a musical instrument will improve their motor control. Furthermore, other research has shown that singing can even help boost your memory and allow you to retain key information for a lot longer. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key ways that you can boost your child’s social development and help them thrive. From ensuring that they interact with other children to encouraging solo play, there are lots of steps that you can take here as a parent. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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