A to-do list doesn't have to be overwhelming or complicated. Here are 3 realistic ways for busy moms to use a to-do list.

3 Realistic Ways For Busy Moms To Use a To-Do List

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As a mom of young kids, it is sometimes literally impossible to keep up with all the things I need to get done. Doctors appointments, paying bills on time, keeping the house clean…that’s just a few of the things that I ALWAYS have on my mind. So when you have all of that swirling around, it can get a bit chaotic. BUT when you use a To Do list – your life will change. Get ready!

If you struggle with time management, you have to consider using a to-do list. Here are 3 realistic ways for busy moms to use a to-do list.

What happens when you make a to do list

What’s the answer to complete mommy overwhelm? A simple To Do List. A REALISTIC To Do List. That means it is a bare-bones list of all the things you need to do. Don’t over-complicate things here. It’s really just a simple list – 1, 2, 3.

When you first make a To Do list – you will be amazed at how “lighter than air” you feel. Once you get all the things out of your brain and onto paper, you have room for actual thoughts again.

It’s called a “brain dump”. Once everything is out on paper you don’t have to struggle with trying (and failing) to remember every little thing you need to do.

3 Realistic Ways To For Busy Moms To Use A To Do List

#1 – Grab any piece of paper you can find

This is where I want you to start. Grab a piece of paper and just start writing down everything – grocery shopping, laundry, fixing the broken something you’ve been meaning to fix. Everything.

Once you have if down, take another piece of paper and try to prioritize your first messy list. Put the most important stuff at the top, and the less important stuff at the bottom.

Break down larger tasks into a few parts. This will help you feel accomplished when you have finished the parts but haven’t yet finished the whole project.

READ MORE: How A To Do List Changed My Time Management For The Better

#2 – Use an app on your phone

This is another option, but I offer it up with a word of warning. I’ve used many To Do List apps before and while I love the convenience, it had it’s downside. For starters, it was waaaaay too easy to simply not open the app when I wanted to avoid life.

I also couldn’t make it pretty! And yes, that sounds kind of silly, but I am a very visual person and I want to look at pretty things. So when the app is so blah-blah, I just didn’t want to go there.

#3 – Use an actual, honest-to-goodness planner

Another option is to use an actual planner.

Now, if you’re like me, you need something pretty to use for your To Do list. If it’s pretty then you want to look at it more and you procrastinate less.

That’s why I created the “Get it together, girl!” Planner. It looks totally unique and I really love the colors. The planner includes 22 colorful pages you can use to “get it together” in a way that you will actually WANT to use.

Learn more about the “Get it together, girl! Planner.

A to-do list doesn't have to be overwhelming or complicated. Here are 3 realistic ways for busy moms to use a to-do list.

The best part of the To Do List

I almost forgot the best part of keeping a To Do List! It’s that feeling of satisfaction when you can cross something off your list. It’s an amazing feeling!

Now here’s my challenge to you – write your To Do List down and use it for 7 days, then come back and let us know how it’s changed your life. Leave a comment, so we can all celebrate with you.

About the author:

Kristen from PracticalMommy.com

Kristen is a 30-something Mommy to 2 darling girls, 5 year old Jordan and 3 year old Madeline, and a one year old baby boy. She loves reading, writing, trying new beers with her husband and binge watching series on Netflix. Practical Mommy is a place for women to learn short-cuts to make our lives easier. That includes everything from Parenting Advice, Simple Recipes, Easy Crafts and easy DIY (really, really easy!), and quick video tips. You can find her on my favorite social networks Pinterest and Facebook.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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