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Moving into a new home is exciting, especially if you’ve just bought it. After putting in all of the effort to buy your new house, you’ll want to make sure it feels as yours as possible. For many people, that means doing some home improvement projects.

Some people might find it difficult to figure out where to start, especially when they’re on a tight budget. A few particular options can be recommended, as they should be relatively budget-friendly.

They’ll also make your new home feel much more like yours, making them worth considering.

Image Credit: Kaboompics from Pixabay.

Home Improvement Projects To Do When You First Move In: 3 Top Picks

1. Garage Door Installations

Garage door installation can be one of the more overlooked home improvement projects to do when you first move in. Previous owners could still get in through the old door, and there might even be a few mechanical issues if the garage has been there a while.

By getting a new garage door, you prevent these while also freshening up your home exterior’s appearance. Doing this doesn’t need to take much time or effort, but you should hire a professional to make sure it’s done right.

2. Update The Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the more notable rooms you could want to focus on, but updating this doesn’t need to be as large of an improvement project as you could think. Even something as simple as changing the faucets and other minor fixtures can have a significant impact.

They’ll also be some of the smaller and more affordable bathroom upgrades you can choose. Since some of them can be done by you, you’ll save even further. It shouldn’t take more than a few hours, depending on how much needs to be done.

3. Painting The Walls

Painting the walls is one of the most obvious home improvement projects to do when you first move in. As obvious as it is, it mightn’t be the first thing you should look at. It could be worth getting all of the other repairs and improvements done first, since these can scrape the walls and cause other damage.

Once you’ve these done, it’s time to get around to it. To make repainting your home less overwhelming, take it room by room. Even getting it done over a few weekends can be a practical way to get everything done without the stress..

Home Improvement Projects To Do When You First Move In: Wrapping Up


Home improvement projects are a natural thing to do when you first move into your new home. You’ll want to make it feel like it’s yours while getting rid of any problem areas. Some of these will be more important than others, but that doesn’t mean forgetting about any.

Painting your walls will be obvious, but it’s always worth making sure your garage door is perfect, and doing your bathroom up. While this takes a bit of effort, it’ll make your house feel like home and addressing anything that could be a problem.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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