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Having a child with any form of disability can be expensive. There are often other measures that you have to take that other parents don’t have to worry about. This can be a financial struggle for some parents of special needs children, however there are ways to get help with funding as this guide explains. Below are just some of the big costs and what to do to make them more affordable. 

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Reduced work hours

You may need to reduce your work hours to care for your child. While most young kids require this, some children with disabilities may continue to require the same level of care as they get older. This means reducing work hours and receiving reduced pay. 

Fortunately, there are carer’s benefits that can supplement some of this income. Make sure that you apply for these if you are eligible. 

Home modifications

To make your home more disability-friendly, you may have to make certain modifications to your home. This could include installing grab bars or ramps in certain places if your child has mobility issues.

Such home modifications can be quite expensive, however grants do exist that can pay for some of these modifications. 

A new car?

A lot of cars aren’t particularly friendly for people with disabilities. You may have to consider getting a new car if your current one is small and awkward to get into. An alternative solution could be to look into mobility conversion products for cars.

It’s worth looking online for disability vehicle grants and funding. These could help you to purchase a better suited vehicle or carry out necessary conversions.

Adaptive toys

Kids with disabilities may require specialist toys to cater to their disabilities. These toys are unfortunately often priced higher than regular toys.

It’s worth looking out for discounts online. In some cases, you may be able to save money with carers discounts

Increased travel costs

If your child has mobility issues, you may have no choice but to drive them everywhere or take public transport. In certain cases, transport may even be more expensive (such as having to order an extra large taxi to fit in a wheelchair). 

There may be some cases where you can apply for travel discounts for disabled passengers when using public transport like trains. When it comes to driving by car, your best option is to buy a fuel-efficient car so that you’re visiting the pump less. 

Medical treatment/therapy

Certain disabilities may require ongoing medical treatment or therapy. On top of the cost of these treatment services, you’ll have to be able to afford the cost of travelling to each appointment. Health insurance can meanwhile be very high for those with disabilities.

Fortunately, there is financial assistance out there that can reduce the cost of medical bills and therapy sessions. It’s important to look into this if you have a child with a disability so that you’re not overpaying for treatment.

Know your financial rights

Raising a child with a disability is expensive, however there’s so much financial support out there that can make this cost manageable. Make sure to do your research so that you’re not missing out on discounts, grants and benefits that you are entitled to. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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