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Most of us have experienced a power cut at some point. How often they occur will depend on your power supply, the weather and often, where you live, but for the most part, they are just one of those things. 


It can be frightening when the power goes out unexpectedly, especially at night time when you suddenly find yourself in the dark. But, most power cuts are short term, and the lights are usually back on within a few hours. Cuts rarely last for longer than this. However, whether your power is out for 10 minutes, or three days, it’s wise to be prepared. 

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Why Do Power Cuts Happen?

Power cuts happen for a vast range of reasons. A power cut that only affects your home could be caused by a blown fuse or a power surge. Short term cuts can be caused by severe weather or even something as simple as a bird flying into an overhead cable. Other causes of power outages include:

  • Break-ins at power substations resulting in the theft of equipment and vandalism. 
  • Fire or other faults at power stations.
  • Deterioration of old cables or other equipment.
  • Damage to cables caused by digging in gardens or due to road works. 

How long your power is out will depend on the cause, and how easy it is to fix. So, let’s take a look at some of the ways to protect yourself from future power loss, and what you can do if your power does go out. 

How To Protect Yourself From a Loss Of Power

Loss of power happens, but there is plenty that you can do to reduce the risks to your home

Install a Backup Generator

You can contact AlltimePower to talk about generator options, which could protect your home from power loss in the future. A generator comes on automatically in the event of a power outage so that you don’t experience any loss. Some generators can keep your home going for at least a day after your main supply has been cut. 

Keep Well-Stocked 

Unfortunately, you never know when a power outage might hit. They often come at the most unexpected times, and you may not have time to prepare or make plans. 

So, make sure your home is always well-stocked with essentials such as candles, food that you don’t need to cook, and games and books which don’t rely on power. 

Don’t Rely On Your Cellphones Power

You probably rely on your smartphone for a lot; most of us do. But, what if the power is out for an extended period and you can’t charge it? You might be able to charge up using a socket in your car, but if that isn’t possible, you could find yourself without it much sooner than you’d like. 

Write down emergency contact numbers, and make sure you’ve got a torch, in case you ever find yourself without your cell. 

Know Where Your Fuse Box Is

Sometimes there’s nothing that you can do when the power goes out. On other occasions, you just need to flip a switch or replace a blown fuse. Make sure you know where your box is, and what to do if you’ve caused the power to cut in your home. 

So, we’ve looked at how to prepare for a power out and how to reduce the risk of losing power altogether. But, if the worst happens and the lights go off, what should you do? Let’s take a look. 

What to Do In a Power Cut

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There are a few essential things that you should do when the power goes out, as well as some more enjoyable tasks. 

Check On Everyone

First, check on everyone in your household. Young children might be frightened, and some people might be distressed. Check that everyone is ok, and move everyone into the same room to keep an eye on them. You might also want to check in on vulnerable neighbors and call other family and friends. 

Check the Cause of the Power Loss

Check your fuse box and look out of your window to see if the rest of the street has been affected. You can also search online, checking with your provider to see if it’s an issue that they know about. 

Report It If Necessary

If no issues have been reported, and you can’t spot a clear cause of the power outage, you might want to report it to your provider, or the grid. They may already know, but it can’t hurt to check. 

Unplug Appliances and Chargers

Engineers are probably working to repair the problems and restore power. But, when it comes back on, there could be a sudden surge of power into your home. This can cause problems of its own. So, take some time to unplug appliances and chargers, but leave a light on, so that you know as soon as the power is back up. 

Fill Your Bathtub

Loss of power could soon lead to a loss of water. If you can, fill your bathtub so that you’ve got an emergency supply. 

Keep Warm

In the winter, one of your primary concerns might be keeping warm if your power goes out. A backup generator will mean that this is never a problem. Failing that, wrap up warm, keep everyone in the same room and light some candles. 

Take the Kids Camping

Kids today struggle without their tablets and other devices. They aren’t used to it. But it can be fun. Build a tent in your lounge or in the garden in the summer and move some toys, books, games and cushions in. 

Make Some Music

Get your pots and pans out, with wooden spoons, and create your own power cut band. Fill bottles with pasta and rice, and try to find as many ways as you can to make sounds. Young children especially will love this. 

Yes, a power cut can be scary. But, if you keep everyone safe, there’s no reason why you can’t turn it into something fun for your family to enjoy. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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