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There are many home styles that you might be aiming for, but if you are hoping for a more modern look then that is something that has proven to be particularly popular with many people. It might be something to do with wanting to feel like you are keeping up with others, or it could just be that you like the style of a modern home and how it looks. Whatever it means for you, the good news is that there are some very simple, easy things you can do to make sure that you modernize your home as much as you like. If you carry out these changes, you are going to find that you have a much better home overall, and one that you will find is much more modern and to your taste.

Image Source – CCO Licence

Play Around With Lighting

One of the primary indicators of a modern home is down to the way in which the lighting is used. You need to make sure that you are utilizing your lighting in a way which is not overdone and which helps to create a number of smaller focal areas throughout the home. So that might mean making good use of lamps here and there to create separate spaces in the living room, each of them with a careful kind of modern elegance. The details are up to you, but it is often the case that playing around with lighting is all that is necessary to turn a home into a much more modern one overnight.

Update Your Windows

You might rarely think about your windows and whether or not they are working, but if you are on a purposeful attempt to try and modernize your home, then you are likely going to want to consider your windows and whether they are doing the job in those terms. There are certain window styles which do just lend themselves more effectively to the modern look, and which you will therefore probably be keen to look out for, and one that is particularly effective here is the wooden look. If you have wooden window parts installed you’ll be amazed at the way it modernizes the space, and all without necessarily having to change anything else at all about the home.

Image Source – CCO Licence

Go Simple On Color

A big sign of whether or not your home is particularly modernized is what you are doing with the colors in your home. If you want to make sure that you are having a modern look, then that usually means being as simple as you can with your colors. That means both keeping the variation in colors minimal, but also not making too much of a big deal of them generally, and simply allowing them to rest naturally in the space. You don’t want lots of boldness, but rather a stripped-back and simple approach, if you are keen for the truly modern look. Change up your colors, and you’ll see a difference straight away.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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