How to Use a Jesse Tree During Advent and Christmas

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One of the new traditions that we’re introducing this year is a Jesse Tree for Advent. And we will be making our own Jesse Tree using a printable set that I made. The Jesse Tree is symbolic of Jesus’ family tree:

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. – Isaiah 11:1


A Jesse Tree can be used alongside an advent calendar or in place of an advent calendar.  They are very similar in terms of how to use them during the season of Advent.

But why honor Advent in the first place?

How to Use an Advent Calendar

During the weeks leading up to Christmas many families celebrate the anticipation of the holiday with an Advent Calendar. There are many ways to make your own Advent Calendar and it is a fun family project designing and putting it together.

The word advent means “arrival” and the calendar is a good way for families to count down the days until the big celebration day arrives. There are many ways to make an advent calendar each having its own special way of rewarding little ones for their patience.

You can also start with a Shepherd on the Search.

Interactive Advent Calendars

How to Use a Jesse Tree During Advent

A Jesse Tree, like an Advent Calendar, is interactive. However, with an Advent Calendar they can sometimes be very commercial in nature. While there’s nothing wrong with this, a Jesse Tree is purely sacred.

The heart of the Jesse tree is Jesus.

The Jesse Tree presents a way for the entire family to get involved and learn. Devotionals for Advent can be incorporated along with Bible readings specific to each day of Advent.

Free Printable Jesse Tree Ornaments

I have also created a free Jesse Tree printable ornament set. It does come in color but if you’d rather save on ink (or let the little one’s color the ornaments), you can print this in black and white.


Directions to use these are in the PDF pack (linked below) but here’s a quick overview:

  • To assemble (after printing), cut each symbol and it’s corresponding Bible verse (To the left) out
  • Glue the two halves together, ensuring that the symbol and verse are facing outward
  • Hole punch a small hole in the top to hang on your tree

I will also be sharing a Nativity based Bible printable pack with you soon that you can use along side this printable ornament set.

>>> Jesse Tree Printable Ornaments <<<

Do you and your family incorporate a Jesse Tree into your Advent?

Not into using a digital set? You can also make your own Jesse Tree Ornaments (in the microwave) with this easy salt dough recipe.


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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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7 years ago

[…] to add a Jesse Tree to your family’s Advent traditions, be sure to take a look at this free Jesse Tree printable set! Featuring a full set of printable ornaments with an accompanying Bible verse; the Jesse Tree is […]

6 years ago

Kori thank you for the free advent ornament printable. I was wondering if you could put the corresponding date with the ornaments? exp: December 1: Gen 1:1-27 so it makes it easier to know what day comes next?!? and I cant find where the Nativity based Bible printable pack is that you can use along side this printable ornament set.?? Thank you for your help! I appreciate it so much!


Reply to  Kori
6 years ago

Thank you so much! Love love love