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Your home is a big investment in your life, so keeping it clean and tidy is important to make sure it stays homely and is a nice place to live. Some people struggle to know where to start with keeping their home tidy and also are unsure how once they have got it tidy to maintain it. When maintaining a home, it can actually be easier to do so as you have done the hard bit and got it to the point in which it would be classed as tidy.

If you are someone who would struggle to keep the house tidy or get it to a point where it was easier to maintain it then these few tips may help you get started and make sure you can keep your home nice and tidy.

Source: Pixabay

Setup a room inventory

Having an inventory is a great way to make sure you have not left anything in a room that would be clutter. If you have an inventory of each room, you can see everything that should be in there; this then allows you to know what you tend to leave lying around so you can sort out storage for it or put it back where it should be.

Keep on top of how many items you have

A great way to stop clutter and make sure the house doesn’t get messy is to implement a one in one out rule; this means if you replace or buy a new item, then get rid of the old thing. This stops you from hoarding items you have replaced, and this means there are fewer items in your house to worry about tidying up.

Keep on top of the cleaning

The main thing that can make your home look untidy is when you do not clean properly; this is things like neglecting the vacuuming, doing the dishes, dusting, and things like that. If you let these things build up, then it can be harder and harder to gain motivation to get the house tidy. Especially the vacuuming walking through a dusty house with crumbs on the floor and fluff everywhere is not pleasant, if you do not have a vacuum then try and invest in a decent one like the Dreame T20 handheld vacuum this will mean it will last longer and suck up pretty much anything.

Make your bed every morning

Something that may be simple but can really help you love your home and keep it looking tidy is to make your bed when you wake up. It is something so simple, but it so satisfying when going through the bedroom and seeing the lovely made bed, or when you get to bed; it is such a nice feeling to get into a pristinely made bed; it just seems more comfortable. Sometimes it is just the simple and easy things that can make you feel happy and give you the motivation you need to keep the house tidy.

If you struggle to keep your house neat and tidy, then hopefully, these few tips can help you get started with getting your house tidy and make sure you feel happy in your home. This will mean it will last longer and suck up pretty much anything.

Make your bed every morning

Something that may be simple but can really help you love your home and keep it looking tidy is to make your bed when you wake up. It is something so simple, but it so satisfying when going through the bedroom and seeing the lovely made bed, or when you get to bed; it is such a nice feeling to get into a pristinely made bed; it just seems more comfortable. Sometimes it is just the simple and easy things that can make you feel happy and give you the motivation you need to keep the house tidy.

If you struggle to keep your house neat and tidy, then hopefully, these few tips can help you get started with getting your house tidy and make sure you feel happy in your home.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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