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I don’t have high expectations for Mother’s Day gifts. I feel, in some ways, that it’s becoming over commercialized and honestly? I don’t need the gifts. Is the acknowledgement nice? Of course it is. When I’m acknowledged by Kyle’s boys (with my unofficial role as the other mother in their lives), that made my day. Beyond that, I expect nothing and ask for nothing.

I’ve still held on to all of the crafts and homemade gifts that Sweet B has brought home and will cherish anything that Squeaker brings home from school. In the meantime, we make our own crafts together and while we were making paper plate suns, I had the bright idea to turn it into a Mother’s Day craft.

In search of a sweet idea for Mother's Day that's sure to brighten up mom's day? Try this adorable paper plate craft based on You Are My Sunshine.

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Squeaker loves to fingerpaint and will probably do this all day if I let her. It’s one of her favorite things to do when I get out the art supplies and most of the time, she’ll pick out fingerpaint to play with over anything else. She does have access to crayons throughout the day and I’m debating if I want to tackle markers.

squeaker loves to fingerpaint

I don’t mind it too much either because it’s one of the easier art activities to keep contained. When the weather is warmer, we’ll take this outside but in the meantime; it’s so easy to just set out some paper plates with fingerpaint and let her have at it.

Recently we were trying out some paper plate crafts and making a sun. After one of her plates had dried, or was mostly dry, I was looking at it and thought it might be the ideal candidate for a mommy and me paper plate Mother’s Day craft.

you are my sunshine paper plate craft

And it was super simple to put together! All I had to do was find a picture to use, print out the words, and I was set. I’m definitely going to save this one as it turned out to be super cute.

If you’d like to make your own, you can grab the word art here. There are four different styles to choose from and you can either cut the words apart or keep them together. It’s up to you! Because of the file type, when you print it out, don’t have it set to “fit to frame” otherwise the top word art set will get cut off.

So, in total, here’s our supply list:

To assemble:

  • Have your willing participant paint the paper plate
  • Once paint is dry, arrange the picture and word art on the plate
  • When you find an arrangement that’s to your liking, use the glue to make sure that everything is together

That’s really all there is to it!

I printed out the word art and the picture on regular printer paper but if I was going to do this again, I would use cardstock and photo paper. Just to give it a better overall quality. Regardless, Squeaker and I both had fun with this and maybe next year she’ll be able to do more of it on her own.

In search of a simple yet meaningful craft for Mother's Day? Come take a look at this easy paper plate craft inspired by the song You Are My Sunshine. Sure to brighten up mom's day.
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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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8 years ago

What a beautiful Mother’s Day Craft. It’s so simple that a toddler can definitely do this on their own. Thanks for sharing on Toddler Fun Friday

8 years ago

[…] You Are My Sunshine Craft, Kori At Home […]

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