Proud Autism Mom Quotes
Pride is an interesting word, isn’t it? We can be proud of a person or proud of a thing. We can be proud of values. For me? I am proud to be a mom and moreover, I am proud to be an autism mom. It’s a role that I wholeheartedly embrace- being a mother who happens to be autistic. And being a mother of an autistic individual.
My Favorite Autism Mom Quotes
Now, these quotes aren’t just for moms of autistic children, of course. But I found them to be particularly inspiring and encouraging. I hope that you will find the same.
Proud Autism Mom Printables
I have made many printables, usually of the educational kind and sometimes of the wall-art variety. For example, the In This House We Do Autism –
Why I am Proud to Be an Autism Mom
I get it, of course, that there is going to be controversy over the term “autism mom” — there’s always going to be a divide as to whether or not moms who are not actually autistic can or should use this term. I’ll weigh in on this in another post, but for now? I will continue to use the term.
Because, for me, it is representative of who I am. It’s part of who I am.