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If you are working on fine motor skills with your preschooler or older autistic child, be sure to add these fun free printable fall themed fine motor worksheets for autism. Similar in style to my Easter Fine Motor themed sheets, this series will eventually contain several holiday and seasonal themes. 

Perfect for classroom or at-home use. 

How to Use the Fine Motor Worksheets for Autism

If you are working on general fine motor skills such as:

  • Cutting
  • Handwriting
  • Pre-writing

Then you can use the traceable lines or the mazes. Either laminate and use a Dry Erase marker or use a pencil if not laminating. You can use the pre-writing tracing for scissor skills as well.

The coloring pages can also double for playdough sheets or for finger painting if you so choose.

You may also like: Christmas PreWriting Practice for Toddlers

Really, your possibilities are endless! For my autistic daughter, we do a lot of hand-over-hand initially with her fine motor work. We will have more worksheets in this set that include:

  • Pom pom (or Do a Dot sheets)
  • Tangram sheets
  • Cutting and pasting
  • Clip cards

You can also incorporate the Fall preschool handwriting worksheets.

What you get in the Fall themed Fine Motor Worksheet Set

You are getting the following pages:

  • Four coloring pages
  • Two fine motor tracing pages (can also be used for scissor practice)
  • Four simple mazes

Below, you’ll see a sample of each type of page that’s included:

Coloring page or scissor practice

Tracing or scissor practice
Simple mazes

We will be laminating our worksheets and using them in either our Fall themed after-school unit or with our general Fine Motor worksheet practice. I have to admit, my autistic daughter doesn’t always like doing these so I have to make them easy enough for her to complete on her own without it feeling too much like work.

I would also use these for my homeschooling, but my 5 year old feels that sometimes these things are a bit too baby-ish for her.



Want more Fall themed vocabulary building fun?

In my Fall Vocabulary pack you get:

* Word Wall (with an image of the word and then the word fingerspelled in ASL, printed in D’Nealian, printed in Handwriting without Tears, printed in traceable print, printed in solid print)
* Self-correcting puzzles (two piece puzzles with an image of the word and then the word fingerspelled in ASL, printed in D’Nealian, printed in Handwriting without Tears, printed in traceable print, printed in solid print)
* Tracing practice (ONLY in this bundle! with ASL, D’Nealian, Traceable, and HWT letter formation)
* Posters (featuring the words in the Emergent Reader with real pictures & fingerspelled ASL, printed in D’Nealian, printed in Handwriting without Tears, printed in traceable print, printed in solid print)
* Emergent Reader (with clipart & real pictures – there is an ASL variation for BOTH versions so you are getting 4 emergent readers in total with this pack!)


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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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