5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

Since making the decision to stay at home, I also started to think about options for making money at home. It’s not that I don’t enjoy working outside of the home- I did. I enjoyed working in retail. There’s a psychology involved in it that appealed to me. But, the benefits of staying at home outweighed the costs of working outside of the home. At least for us. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to contribute to the household income in some way. Granted yes, I am starting to make some money with this blog. And eventually, who knows, this may bring in a decent full time income. I also have other things in mind when it comes to working at home; which…

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

I’m a very goal oriented person. It helps me to put things in perspective and gives me a more clear path as to how to achieve what I want. Sometimes I set small goals, sometimes it’s big goals. And sometimes it’s small goals that lead towards a bigger goal. Whatever the case may be, I’ve found that setting goals helps me out and keeps me on track. This applies to many aspects of my life- be it household, money, or blogging. For example, one of my goals for next year is to earn a steady part time income from blogging. Right now it’s touch and go and I’d love to see that become stable. I have a plan, almost in place, for reaching that goal….

Why Bloggers Need Bloggers

With these baby steps to blogging posts being so sporadic, I want to try setting up a more predictable schedule for when they’ll get posted. I do plan on going back to the How to Make Money Blogging mini-series, but for right now; I want to touch on something that I feel is equally important. Actually, if I’m going to be honest, I think that this is even more important than monetizing. It’s about bloggers supporting bloggers because I fully believe that bloggers need bloggers. As a blogger, I think community and networking are a huge part of what I do. I belong to various blog support groups on Facebook and to numerous blog networks. But why? Could I succeed on my own? Possibly, but…

Benefits of Seasonal Work

Though I am now perfectly content to be a stay at home mom and looking into other options as a work at home mom (since the professional blogger title is one that I’m growing into), I’ve sometimes thought about looking for a job outside of the home. Before Squeaker was born, I worked in retail and prior to that I worked in a daycare setting, and prior to that I worked in retail. Before that I was a stay at home mom with Sweet B. So between my stints as a stay at home mom, I’ve worked outside of the home. The biggest gap was after Sweet B was born as I was out of the workforce from the time she was 6 months old…

How To Make Money Blogging

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted about blogging. I had started my baby steps to blogging series with no real intent of how often to update it or what topics to cover. However, recently I was thinking of potential topics that I would have wanted to learn about earlier on in my blogging days. And since I’ve passed my one year blogiversary with this blog, I wanted to start up again with the series. This may or may not be posted weekly, depending on time and motivation. We’ll see what we see! For now, I want to kick this back off with a topic that many bloggers wonder about and that’s how to make money blogging. Now, I’ve said it before: if one of your…

My Monthly Goals for June

We’ll resume our social media mini-series next week, today I wanted to share with you my monthly goals for June (as I’m still too much of a chicken to share financial reports) for my blog. And if you are also working on goals for the month, please feel free to share them in the comments! I love to see what fellow bloggers are working towards. Monthly Traffic Goals: * Increase organic traffic by 25% * Increase Pinterest traffic by 30% * Increase Google+ traffic by 30% * Increase Reddit traffic by 30% How To: * Continue to work on keywords and longtail keywords according to Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics * Continue to pin consistently and re-pin others * Continue to post consistently and…