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I’ll be the first to admit it- I’m no expert when it comes to blogging and I highly doubt I ever will be. I think that we all have a lot to learn where blogging is concerned, though I’d like to think that I’m confident with what I know. Like many bloggers, I know that success in blogging rarely happens overnight and that blogging takes a lot of time and hard work. But with that time and hard work, you’ll also start to see payoffs. I know I have when I put in the work and I’ve also seen the consequences when I don’t. That’s why I’m setting goals for the next year and offering some helpful tips and printables to aid in goal planning for bloggers.

Goal Planning for Bloggers


Goal Planning: Yearly Goals

First things first, think about what you’d like to accomplish over the course of the next year. Don’t think of how just yet, just think of what you’d like to get done. Maybe you’d like to grow your blog subscribers or your social media following. Maybe you’d like to join a big blog network or start writing more sponsored posts. Maybe you’d like to increase your AdSense earnings or earnings through an affiliate network. Whatever the case may be, start writing down a list of goals for the year. I try to keep my list to ten because I think that’s a little bit more realistic for me, but you can have as few as one or two and as many as you’d like.

After you’ve thought of what your goals are going to be, go back to each individual goal and think about how you’re going to accomplish them. For example, maybe you need to increase your page views to get into a blog network. But how do you do it? Start looking up ways to do so, comment on other blogs in your niche, join linky parties, join relevant Facebook Sharing groups, etc. Start doing this for each of your individual yearly goals. You may find that some goals overlap or that some goals may tie into each other.

With me, personally, I’d like to apply to a few larger blogger networks. But in order to do that, I need to increase my monthly and unique page views first. So instead of having joining a larger blogger network as a goal, I have increasing my blog page views as a goal.

I also have increase my income as a goal, but I’m not just limiting this to my blog. I’m also including my social media accounts because there are networks that offer campaigns that utilize your social media in addition to or instead of your blog.

Goal Planning: Monthly Goals

Another way to set your sights on your yearly goals are to break them down into monthly goals. For instance, to increase my blog stats, I want to grow them monthly. I’ll take a look at the beginning of the month, come up with an number to increase that by (say 50) and then write that down. I don’t think of a how to do this, because I already set that up in my yearly goals. I know the process, it’s just a matter of getting to it and staying consistent. If I meet my goal or exceed my goal, I call that a win and might increase my goal for the next month. If I don’t meet my goal, I think about what I could do differently but I also try not to get discouraged. That’s one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned through blogging- don’t get discouraged. There will always be other opportunities and there will always be more chances.

Another of the biggest lessons I’ve learned? Don’t compare yourself to another blogger. We’re all individuals and we’re all unique. Yes, we might share a niche or two, or maybe we’ve just written about the same subject or reviewed the same item recently. But we’re still different. My opinion isn’t going to be the same as yours and honestly, I’d hope it wouldn’t be. Otherwise the blogosphere would be pretty dull, don’t you think?

Goal Planning: General

One of the main things to keep in mind when planning yearly or monthly goals is to be realistic. Yes, increasing my page views or Facebook Fans by the thousands in a month would be wonderful. But I also know that it isn’t very likely to happen. By setting up a goal that isn’t realistic, I’m also setting myself up for disappointment. But, by breaking down a larger goal into a more realistic goal, I also have a higher chance of achieving that goal.

Another thing that helps me with goals, is to write them down. I find that if I physically write down my goals, I’m more likely to keep working towards them.

free printable Goal Planning Worksheets

To help myself, I’ve created some simple goal planning worksheets for yearly and monthly goals. I’ve also included a social media worksheet that includes: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+. If other networks are needed, please let me know and I’ll add those in as well. On the social media sheets, I’ll fill in the first two parts (goal and current) at the beginning of the month. At the end of the month, I’ll fill in the other two (actual and goal met). This allows me to really see my goal differential and figure out possible strategies to increase the following or continue working on whatever it was that I was doing to achieve that goal.

Yearly Blog Goals || Monthly Blog Goals || Monthly Social Media Goals

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Do you set yearly or monthly goals for your blog? Do you tend to stick with them or just plan as you go?

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Kori is a late diagnosed autistic/ADHD mom. She is currently located in Albany, NY where she is raising a neurodiverse family. Her older daughter is non-speaking autistic (and also has ADHD and Anxiety) and her youngest daughter is HSP/Gifted. A blogger, podcaster, writer, product creator, and coach; Kori shares autism family life- the highs, lows, messy, and real. Kori brings her own life experiences as an autistic woman combined with her adventures in momming to bring you the day-to-day of her life at home. Kori is on a mission to empower moms of autistic children to make informed parenting decisions with confidence and conviction.

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Robin (Masshole Mommy)
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
9 years ago

I am really just a go with the flow type of blogger. I don’t have specific things necessarily – I just like to take things as they come.

Samantha Angell
9 years ago

When I first started my blog, I really didn’t have any goals for it. The longer I have been blogging, the more goals I have set and the more I am focusing on them!

9 years ago

Plan? The way my life goes no matter what my plans they get messed up somehow or another. Take for instance today-I suddenly had to take my Mom to the Hospital-turns out she has pneumonia so here I sit at 11:30 at night trying to catch up on comments!! She will be alright-she is 92 so they are keeping her in the hospital for a couple of days which means my time is definitely not my own for at least that period of time!

Elizabeth O.
Elizabeth O.
9 years ago

I’ll keep these things in mind. Wanna make sure I have goals with my blogging!

9 years ago

I enjoy goal setting but more monthly than any other as yearly ones makes me think i am setting resolutions which if i am honest i kinda hate because i feel so deflated when i find i did not accomplish it but with monthly goals though a tad sad i just move it to the next month but these are great tips so thanks

Shaney Vijendranath
9 years ago

To be honest at the moment I haven’t even thought about my goals for next year. I really want to plan my blogging next year and schedule more posts.

9 years ago

Thank you for the worksheets! They are definitely going to be helpful for those who are setting goals. IT’s nice to see growth on paper!

Eliz Frank
Eliz Frank
9 years ago

In the coming year, I plan to take each day as it comes and plan for specific and very important things… Ilike your planning ideas.