5 Practical Tips For Maintaining A Clean And Organized Home

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Keeping your home clean is hard, let alone getting it into an organized state. For some homeowners and households, it might be that they’re competing with the never-ending laundry from young kids or the chaos of having so many toys and belongings that the cupboards are brimming with stuff.

There are many practical tips that can help to maintain a clean and organized home. This guide will cover all of those tips.

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Clear surfaces of clutter 

In order to keep the presentation of the home in good condition, it’s worth clearing surfaces of clutter so that you’re not making the rooms seem more unkept and cluttered as a result.

If you’ve got too much on your surfaces, then it’s a good idea to take down everything that’s on the surfaces so that you’ve cleared it completely. You can then review what could sit on the surface and what might be best to store away in a nearby cupboard for easy use and access. The less that you have on your counters, the better.

Declutter your cupboards regularly

Decluttering your cupboards regularly is something that you’ll definitely want to do more of because clutter has a habit of collecting quickly. Even moreso when you’ve got multiple people in your household, all bringing in clutter on a daily basis.

Be mindful of how much clutter you do have and work to declutter your spaces seasonally or even every month or so if you’ve got the time to do it. The difference this will make to your home is incredible, so it’s definitely worth diving into your cupboards regularly.

If you’re looking to get rid of clutter fast, using a junk removal service like https://www.junkluggers.com/gainesville-va/manassas-junk-removal/ is certainly worthwhile.

Clean regularly

Cleaning your spaces regularly is important. This is something that can be helpful in keeping nasty bugs at bay and ensuring everything is being done to keep the spaces clear of clutter and rubbish. When you clean, you’re arranging the space, which often leads to organizational improvement.

Have the right storage solutions in place

Storage solutions are something you want to think about when it comes to maintaining a clean and organized home.

There are lots of different storage types you can utilize nowadays from hidden storage under the bed or floating shelves that take everything off the ground and have it on a display.

Try to keep as much stuff off the floor

In order to help maintain a clean home, you want to look at taking off as much from the floor as possible. The more stuff on the floor, the more cluttered it’ll feel. It’s also going to make a substantial difference to the floor space available which is important for homes that are limited in space. Use shelves and other storage options mentioned above to keep things off the floor.

These tips are a great way to help maintain a clean and organized home all year round.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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