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Technology can be just as much of a blessing as it is a burden. It really depends on how you use it. I mean, you’re reading this post aren’t you? And you’re either using a smartphone, tablet, or computer to do so. I admit, I love having my smartphone but there are also times that I really need a break. 

Too much technology can be a bad thing. 

But, technology is also a useful tool. And with back to school upon us? Here are 15 must have apps for back to school.

Must Have Back to School Apps on Android and iOS

Now, with smartphones and tablets, you fall into one of three categories:

  • Apple
  • Android
  • Windows

I am an Android fan through and through. But, I also have an iPad Pro because there are some apps that are exclusive to Apple (see below) that I do adore. 

But, we’ll start with the ones that you can find on either the Google Play Store or the Apple Store .

Back to School Apps for Parents and Teachers

Class Dojo

For: Teachers and Parents

Purpose: Helps with behavior problems by translating specific positive feedback into real rewards and results. Parents can also choose to receive updates in real time.


For: Teachers

Purpose: Make learning fun with Kahoot! This turns lessons into a quiz show style game. It does require teacher input, so you’ll want to ask your child’s teacher first. 


For: Teachers and Parents

Purpose: If your child is prone to losing permission slips, this is a digital solution. Ask your child’s teacher to use Classtree which makes sharing documents such as permission slips and information forms, digital. This app also lets teachers send reminders to parents.


For: Parents

Purpose: While it may be tempting to hold on to every single piece of artwork that your child brings home? Sometimes that’s just not possible. We eventually run out of fridge space but with Artkive, you can take a picture and have it stored digitally. You can also take the best of the best (or have your child pick their favorites) to create a unique portfolio.

Back to School Apps for Children


For: Children

Purpose: If your child needs a visual reminder to stay on task, you plant a seed in the forest when you need to focus. For 30 minutes, the small seed grows into a large tree. But, if you just can’t resist and need to pull up that latest video on YouTube? Your precious tree starts to wither away. 

Study Stack

For: Children 

Purpose: Studying is tedious and boring. Repetitive tasks, though useful, can also be tormenting. How so? With executive function difficulties that affect focus and working memory; repetitive study techniques just aren’t fun. Make it more fun with this app! Your child can create their own flashcards and share them with other students.

My Study Life

For: Children

Purpose: Pair this app with your child’s planner for a perfect 1-2 planning and organizing punch. This is the perfect digital organizer for tracking upcoming assignments or your child’s schedule.


For: Older children/tweens/teens/college students

Purpose: An alternative to Evernote, OneNote is useful for taking notes and can be backed up to Microsoft’s OneDrive or Office365. You can also record lessons (with the teacher’s permission) which gives your child the opportunity to listen later in addition to referencing their notes. 


For: Older children/tweens/teens/college students

Purpose: If your child is writing an essay that requires source citations, EasyBib has a solution. With over 7,000 citation styles, your child can keep the record keeping tidy.


For: Children

Purpose:  If your child’s fine motor skills need some help (beyond using worksheets), then you may want to try out Dexteria. It uses occupational therapy based hand exercises to build fine motor skills from Kindergarten on up. For preschoolers, you can try the Dexteria Junior app for children under the age of 6. 

Back to School Apps for Parents and Children

Here Comes the Bus

For: Parents and Children

Purpose: How many times do you hear “when will the bus be here” in the morning? Or, for that matter, how many times has your child missed the bus because they weren’t paying attention? If your school district doesn’t already use something like this, bring it up at your child’s next IEP meeting or school board meeting. 


For: Parents and Children

Purpose: Turn your child’s smartphone into a scanning device. If your child is prone to losing homework, they can use this app to take a picture of the assignment and email it to themselves for printing. They can also snap quick pictures of text to study for tests. 

Must Have iOS Apps for Back to School


For: Children

Purpose: Similar to the Grammarly app for adults, GradeProof helps your child check writing assignments for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. The app provides easy-to-follow tips for improving clarity and straightening the piece of writing as a whole. This app is free for the basic version of $9.99/monthly for the Premium version.

LaLa Lunchbox

For Parents & Children

Purpose: Parents and children work together to plan healthy lunches and snacks. For $1.99 each, you can also purchase specialized dietary plans for nut-free or dairy-free options.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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