Ways to Create a Calm Home for Your Child with Autism

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Finding working strategies for dealing with your child who has autism can be very difficult in the home. You need to work in creating a calm environment that can prevent meltdowns and provide you with a little more support from your surroundings. A person on the autistic spectrum can have trouble dealing with external stimuli. It is almost as if everything is turned up high in their minds. This means that you need to find ways to reduce the amount of stimulus bombarding your child to ensure they remain calm. Here are a few ideas to think about.

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Noise-Canceling Headphones 

Noise-canceling headphones can be lifesavers if the dog next door starts barking loudly outside the window, or your other children have decided to have a row or if there is any other form of sound that can cause a meltdown. It may be an idea to have a few dotted about the house, one in the living room, one in the hallway on a hook, one upstairs hanging up on the back of a door, just so they are easily accessible if noise does start to perturb your child. 



It is important that you paint all your walls with calming and neutral colors. However, ensure you use paints that do not use odorous paint or at least do not have your child in the house when you upgrade. Autistic people tend to see colors as a lot brighter. So bright colors, especially red can be very stimulating and can cause issues. So, opt for calming and cool colors such as beige, tan, light blues, etc. 


Neutral Furniture

If you have any furniture that is bright and colorful, think about reupholstering it to calming neutral colors too. Also, consider using fabric that your child has a natural affinity to. Perhaps you could create a comfy chair with that fabric and introduce a few natural but beautifully textured throws and pillows.  


Ambient Temperature

Not too hot and not too cold is the key. So ensure that you have a fully functional boiler and AC unit. It may be worth your while having furnace repairs at the end of summer to avoid any breakdowns and cold days. Additionally, think about having a few indoor plants. Not only are these soothing, but they also help keep the temperature in a room ambient.


Create a Sensory Room

If you have a spare room, then why not transform it into a sensory room this is a great way to help keep your child calm. Ensure that you fill the room with all the sensory material that our child enjoys and is beneficial to them. It may also be an idea to hook up an indoor swing.

The sensation of swinging can be very calming to a child with autism and is defiantly worth the investment. Just ensure that you have installed it correctly and safely. Think about having bean bags as seats rather than ordinary furniture. If you do not have a spare room then why not transform their bedroom, or at least create a sensory corner in the living room.


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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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