Turn Money Mistakes Into Teachable Moments

Turn Money Mistakes Into Teachable Moments

Welcome back to another week of how to raise a money savvy kid! Last week, we talked about teaching kids how to budget and this week we’re going to talk about some equally important money lessons. Money mistakes happen to the best of us. Sometimes we may not stay within our budget or we may get a little too out of control with our credit cards. Whatever the case may be, money mistakes happen. Kids can make money mistakes too, but rather than letting the moment pass, you can turn money mistakes into teachable moments. Money mistakes happen. You think you’re going to have enough and you don’t. You spend more than you have and then have to go without. You get into debt and then…

8 Ways to Start Fixing Your Credit

Credit cards are almost unavoidable. I say almost, because they really aren’t necessary. Especially with most banks offering a Debit card that also carries a credit card logo. Personally speaking, I try to avoid having credit cards as I’m still trying to pay off one of my cards. If you’re like me, and many others, you may have run into problems with your credit cards. Today, I want to share some tips and advice on how to start fixing your credit. Because what you do today or did yesterday, will affect your financial future. Easy credit just might be the greatest seductress of the modern era. We’ve all seen the commercials, and the lure of credit card sometimes can’t be resisted. If you have fallen…

Financial Tips for College Students

Back to school isn’t just for younger children and teenagers. Many college students are getting ready to go back to school as well. From moving into dorms to budgeting for text books, soon enough many cities across the country will be swelled with eager students. I never had the typical college experience, but many of my classmates from high school did. As we were all figuring out our options during our Junior and Senior years, I wish someone had imparted some of these financial tips for college students. Student loans can add up quickly if you aren’t careful and though you can certainly find free money for college, it still couldn’t hurt to be financially smart when it comes to college. For many individuals, college…

Get on the Fast Track Out of Debt

When it comes to the process of wiping out debt, one of the first things that we try to figure out is how quickly we can start getting out of debt. Often we may turn to whatever method seems the best, like getting a get out of debt loan. But, what we don’t realize is that we can get out of debt ourselves and that it really is easier than we think. Today, I want to share how to get on the fast track out of debt so you can begin your journey to being debt free. Regardless of how you find yourself in debt, remind yourself of this: you can get out of it. Yes, it will take time and effort on your part….

How To Start Getting Out of Debt Now

When we find ourselves in debt, sometimes we start thinking about how to get out of it. And one of the things that we wonder is how quickly we can wipe out of debt. Because surely, since we got ourselves into this so quick we can get out of debt just as quick, right? That’s when people might start contemplating a get out of debt loan. Or, if you want to get out of debt yourself, you can begin by creating a get out of debt budget. Today, let’s talk about getting out of debt now so we can set the stage for future financial success. One of the first steps to take, after we get our budget plan together, is to implement that budget…

How to Negotiate Out of Debt

Oftentimes we find ourselves in debt unexpectedly. And for whatever reasons or another, we just need some help getting out of debt. It is definitely possible to get out of debt yourself and one of the ways that you can do this is by creating a get out of debt budget. Regardless of how you got yourself into debt, it is entirely possible to wipe out debt and keep yourself debt free. Today, we’re going to talk about how to negotiate out of debt. This strategy will involve a lot of talking and charm on your part, but it is possible to get some debt relief with this method. Ready to get started? The first step for negotiating out of debt, and for any sort…