A healthier lifestyle begins with a healthier diet. Here are a few ways to start removing junk food from your diet.

How to Start Removing the Junk Food From Your Diet

Ditch the Junk for Lent: A 40 Day Challenge Today, for Christians around the world, is the first day of Lent. A 40 day/40 night period between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Traditionally, an individual will pick up something to give up for Lent (and hopefully stick with giving that up after Lent is over). For me, this year, I’m resolving to ditch the junk for Lent. And by junk, I mean anything that isn’t healthy or useful in my life. This applies to food, clutter, items that I’ve been holding on to for whatever reason or another… you name it. As a family we’re taking steps this year to detoxify and with Lent here, I think that this is a perfect time to becoming really…

How to Stop and Overcome Emotional Eating

How to Stop and Overcome Emotional Eating

Everyone knows that we need to eat to survive. It’s just a fact of life. Just as we need oxygen and water, we also need food. Some of us may consume more than others for a variety of reasons- and that’s okay. When we’re eating sensibly and being mindful about what we consume, we’re on the right path. But, when we use food as a coping mechanism; that’s where we might run into problems. Eating as a method of dealing with stress can be incredibly unhealthy and may lead to additional health related problems. Today, I want to talk about how to overcome emotional eating because we, as women, do tend to deal with this issue more often than our male counterparts.   What causes…

10 Healthy Foods To Have In Your Kitchen

10 Healthy Foods To Have In Your Kitchen

Your overall health and wellness will usually start with what you eat. Sure, there’s more to it (how much sleep you get, level of activity, etc.) but it usually begins with your overall diet. Now, when I’m talking about “diet” I don’t mean the restrictive kind. There are many different kinds of diets that you may have heard of. But, in this case, it just means your general food intake and relates to the standard American diet. You can start taking steps towards a healthier diet without sacrificing, simply by incorporating one (or more) of these healthy foods to have in your kitchen. And be sure to check out more of my health and wellness tips for moms for further guidance. Living longer is about…

Healthier Alternatives for White Flour

Do you enjoy baking? It’s one of my favorite things to do, either for my family, for loved ones, friends, or for myself. I find it to be calming and I do enjoy baking from scratch whenever I can. Of course, I’m not above using a few shortcuts here and there but I also know that baking from scratch gives me more control over the ingredients. Recently, I’ve started looking into healthier alternatives for white flour for when I bake. Partially because we’re still looking into making some gluten free friendly changes to our overall diet and partially because it’s part of our overall steps towards a healthier lifestyle. I’ll also be the first to admit, one of the biggest obstacles that we continually face…

How To Start A Container Garden

When it comes to growing flowers, I do not have a green thumb. But, I do remember taking care of some vegetables with my mom when I was younger, so that’s why this year I thought it might be fun to start a vegetable garden. We started most of our garden from seeds, which was an adventure in itself, and after evaluating the backyard I realized I would need to do a raised bed or start a container garden. Maybe next year, we’ll try the raised bed or a shelf system for some herbs but this year we’re starting a container garden and this is how we went about it. How to Set Up a Container Garden in Limited Space One of the first things…

30 Healthy Cooking Tips to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

30 Healthy Cooking Tips to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

We used to make a lot of unhealthy eating choices when my ex and I were still together. But that’s mostly in the past now. Kyle and I have always enjoyed cooking together and we prepare 95% of our meals, the exceptions being when his boys are here on the weekends. But we still try to cook from scratch as often as possible. I like knowing what’s going into my meals and here are some healthy cooking tips that I’d love to share with you. Making healthier food choices can go a long way when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle and healthy cooking can save you time too. Be sure to check out my health and wellness tips for moms for more healthy…