A healthier lifestyle begins with a healthier diet. Here are a few ways to start removing junk food from your diet.

How to Start Removing the Junk Food From Your Diet

Ditch the Junk for Lent: A 40 Day Challenge Today, for Christians around the world, is the first day of Lent. A 40 day/40 night period between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Traditionally, an individual will pick up something to give up for Lent (and hopefully stick with giving that up after Lent is over). For me, this year, I’m resolving to ditch the junk for Lent. And by junk, I mean anything that isn’t healthy or useful in my life. This applies to food, clutter, items that I’ve been holding on to for whatever reason or another… you name it. As a family we’re taking steps this year to detoxify and with Lent here, I think that this is a perfect time to becoming really…

10 Healthy Eating Habits to Start Today

10 Healthy Eating Habits to Start Today

Children learn best by example, right? But sometimes we might question how much they’re really soaking up. Sure, we can tell them things or explain things to them; but the lesson will stick better when we show them. This applies to so many areas of life, including our habits.  We all have our good and bad habits, I know I have my fair share of bad habits in addition to the good ones. Though I’d like to think that the good outweighs the bad. It is up to us to choose whether or not we want healthy eating habits incorporated to our daily lives. Here are 10 healthy eating habits to start today. Maybe you’re already doing some of them or all of them and…

How to Stop and Overcome Emotional Eating

How to Stop and Overcome Emotional Eating

Everyone knows that we need to eat to survive. It’s just a fact of life. Just as we need oxygen and water, we also need food. Some of us may consume more than others for a variety of reasons- and that’s okay. When we’re eating sensibly and being mindful about what we consume, we’re on the right path. But, when we use food as a coping mechanism; that’s where we might run into problems. Eating as a method of dealing with stress can be incredibly unhealthy and may lead to additional health related problems. Today, I want to talk about how to overcome emotional eating because we, as women, do tend to deal with this issue more often than our male counterparts.   What causes…

Easy Ways for Healthier Grocery Shopping

Easy Ways for Healthier Grocery Shopping

I have a confession to make… trying to find a balance between frugality and healthy, especially when it comes to groceries, has not been easy. I enjoy the convenience of canned foods but I’ve also become more mindful about reading labels. I have to be mindful about labels because of my migraines. And I can definitely feel the difference when I have foods that are packed with preservatives and artificial flavors. But, I also don’t have an unlimited grocery budget to be able to afford the healthy food that I would love to have in my daily diet. So how do I grocery shop for health while still staying in my budget? Here are a few easy ways for healthier grocery shopping that we’ve started…

How to Establish Healthy Eating Habits for the Entire Family

How to Establish Healthy Eating Habits for the Entire Family

This post was sponsored by the National 4-H Council as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. When you establish healthy eating habits for the entire family you are setting a great example for your children. It would be hypocritical, after all, if we encourage our children to have something healthy while we’re consuming junk food. So how do you go about doing this? And is one method more effective than others? 3 Ways to Get Your Family On Board with Healthy Eating Have you ever found yourself preparing different meals for each member of the family? Granted, in our home, this is necessary as Sweet B has particular and set tastes. I still…

How to Eat Healthier to Lose Weight for Summer

How to Eat Healthier to Lose Weight for Summer

Summer is just around the corner. And many of us still have weight loss goals that we’re trying to meet. Maybe we started off the year with good intentions. And maybe we’re still on track. Whether it’s eating healthier  or exercising regularly, there are numerous factors that go into losing weight. Let’s bring in one of those things and talk about how to eat healthier to lose weight for the summer- or anytime of the year. For more ideas, be sure to check out my health and wellness tips for women. The minute you feel warm enough to wear shorts, you realized something:  The beach is beckoning and you are not prepared for it, physically! You panic and think of stapling your mouth for a…