Easy Ways to Start Using Coupons

I will start this off by saying that I am far from an extreme couponer. I just don’t have the patience to go through every coupon site, weekly ads, etc. But, I do like saving money so I’m willing to do as much work as possible to help with that cause. For example, I like digital coupons from places like Smart Source, Coupons.com, and Red Plum. I shop in bulk when need be because that also helps me save money and especially on things that I need like toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, and wipes. I also buy lunch items in bulk, and occasionally meat. When we finally start meal planning, I’ll buy other items in bulk to hopefully save on our food expenses. Today,…

Easy Tips to Help with Credit Repair

Do you know what your credit score is? I’ll be honest, my credit score at one point was respectable. Then, I got in a bit of trouble with my credit cards and my credit score suffered because of it. Now I’m at the point where I’m trying to become debt free on my own and repair my credit score in the process. Not always easy but I know the journey will be well worth the effort. Learning to live within a budget has not been an easy journey. It’s always been easier for me to spend money instead of just save it. But, reality is that if I want to work on repairing my credit and get out of debt, I know that I need…

What Does Being Frugal Mean?

When you hear the word “frugal” what do you think of? What does being frugal mean to you? Does it strike a particular image in your head? Do you conjure up a binder of coupons? Being frugal means different things to different people. So what does being frugal mean and does it really mean that you have to completely alter your lifestyle? Well, yes and no. Just because you’re making the decision to be frugal, doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice everything that you already have. Part of being frugal, to me, means coming to appreciate what you already have instead of constantly wanting things that you don’t have. What does it mean to be frugal? Being frugal, for many, is as much of…

The Dangers of Defaulting on Student Loans

The Dangers of Defaulting on Student Loans

If you’re a current or former college student, the chances are very likely that you have some amount of student loan debt. It happens to many of us and it’s really nothing to be ashamed of. Though there are ways to find free money for college and definitely ways to maximize your FASFA, sometimes taking out a student loan is unavoidable. Oftentimes, student loan debt becomes the first source of debt and we may struggle with managing student loans. But, just because we’re struggling with student loans doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pay them. In fact, that’s the last thing that you want to do. Here’s some advice about defaulting on student loans and why this should be avoided at all costs. What Does It…

When to Start Saving for Retirement

When to Start Saving for Retirement

While I do enjoy being a blogger and being able to stay at home, one of the downsides is that there is no 401k or any sort of retirement plan involved. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you couldn’t start your own savings plan. And for those with a part time job where you might not have a benefits package, it’s also a smart idea to start saving for retirement. No one wants to face the prospect of working for the rest of their lives, though there are those out there who find the idea appealing. Still, it’s a good idea to know when to start saving for retirement. Retirement may seem a long way off to you, and you might not be worried about…

6 Tips for Living Well Within a Budget

6 Tips for Living Well Within a Budget

A common myth about budgeting is that you’re making too many sacrifices and by doing so, you’re giving up a lot of luxuries and comforts. While this might be true for some things, it is still possible to live well within a budget. You can also learn to live with less if the thought of living well within a budget is just unappealing to you. Or maybe you feel that just don’t need a budget and that you can manage your money by yourself. While this very well might be true, I would still recommend considering a budget- you never know where it might take you. Living within a budget can be intimidating to say the least, you know where your money is going and…